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Pod can? (school game)

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spamish | 22:49 Sun 02nd Sep 2007 | Gaming
1 Answers
I remember playing this game when I was at primary school so probably aboot 15 years ago. Basically it involved a red blob with a face and arms and the computer said "pod can?" and you had to write "pod can jump". If he could then he would do it on the screen?

I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the game and if i could download it anywhere??


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Yeah I remember Pod on the BBC computer! I'd forgot all about that. "Pod can dance" "Pod can count to 20" and so on. If he couldn't do it, he would cry.

Of course all the people I knew used to say "pod can suck my ***" and things like that but they just made him cry.

Don't know if you can download it but you might be able to get a BBC emulator and play it like that?

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Pod can? (school game)

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