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what should i cook today for tea

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suzie1 | 17:10 Sat 13th Mar 2010 | Food & Drink
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no know, i always come on here as suzie1, and no1 else. I dont change my id to have a laugh, i use this site seriously, and i do flip at times, but im really nice at heart......i like poodi and ummm, and society, jogger, sara, eddie, landscaper, mamya, chinadoll, hippy, karen is my favorite as she was there for me at my worst hour, and sqad is nice to and to the rest of you that have been nice to me, i like you too including no knowledge.i ask random questions at times, but thats coz i know you guys/gals are all helpful to me.
Thought better of me?? Who are you trying to kid?
Nowt wrong with peanut butter curry (purists would call it satay anyhow). Just don't use the whole jar of peanut butter and prepare to be 'bound' for the next 4 days.
I'm just hurt...............
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craft you were horrible to me once about my weight and that hurt......
I don't recall being horrible to anyone about their weight.............
Are you sure about that Suzie?
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Hey....I seen it. I also read the messages she sent to postdog......unhinged..!!
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No knowledge you are truly drunk and warped and seemed obsessed about any troll that you deemed,as i said get in touch with the management about my status,i have nothing to prove to you and others on this site!
Where's noway?
Ummm and no knowledge are piddled so obvious
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this is what i mean craft.............
I haven't had a drink yet....just about to though. Been out all you got that one wrong.
why so be nasty then,it was suzies thread ,can be bothered
Cheers ummm.... have one for me, because I can't possibly have one tonight myself. Am grounded and in disgrace....

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