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Which Is The Best Biscuit for Dunking?

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AB Editor | 14:20 Thu 04th Feb 2010 | Food & Drink
45 Answers
Sometimes tough questions have to be asked - and hard answers given. We at The AnswerBank are unafraid to ask these questions; so, which of the following is the best biscuit for dunking?

This poll is closed.

Your answers:

  • Ginger nuts - 35 votes
  • 44%
  • Digestives - 14 votes
  • 18%
  • Hob-nobs - 13 votes
  • 16%
  • Rich Tea - 7 votes
  • 9%
  • Bourbons - 3 votes
  • 4%
  • Custard Creams - 3 votes
  • 4%
  • Shortbread - 2 votes
  • 3%
  • Jammy Dodgers - 2 votes
  • 3%
  • Nice Biscuits - 0 vote
  • 0%

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Stats until: 23:21 Thu 04th Jul 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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dunking is wrong, you are a bad bad man - go to your room
Nice to see a serious poll rather than that naff one about politics :-)
custard creams
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Those jammy dodgers were just made for dunking. :-)
Orange Club. You get melted orange flavour choccie in your coffee. Utterly decadent.
Ginger nuts because they don't go all soggy.
Question Author
Seafarer - I excluded all chocolate encased (different from chocolate covered) because I felt they were somehow less dunkable. I may have exposed a shortcoming in my logic there!

Sorry to all anti-dunkers.

Spare Ed
Dunkin Donuts have my vote ;-)
I clicked on hob nob and voted and its still showing 0 votes. Rigged!
Custard creams for me. It is horrible though when they go too soft and drop into your tea. You do have to get the timing just right.
Hob Nobs - Peter Kay does this great routine on how they are the king of dunkers.
You missed out McVities 'Cafe Noir'! The thick crunchy icing holds everything together. Result - no bits floating around in your cuppa!!
i posted a simular thread on here some months ago i think the outcome was rich tea cr@p digestives super de duper
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Chocolate Digestive are favorite for dunking but as you didn't include those I voted for Ginger Nuts as they are my second favorite.
Ginger Nuts can`t be beat for dunking
What are we dunking it in?

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Which Is The Best Biscuit for Dunking?

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