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cranberry sauce

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bubbles4920 | 14:56 Tue 30th Sep 2008 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
Does anyone know if you can buy this in a plastic jar? i know tesco do mango chutney in a small squeezy plastic jar.


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bubbles never seen a squeezy bottle for cranberry sauce. to be honest i cant see the demand for it,very seasonal, also it has whole cranberries in it how the hell could they put that in a squeezy bottle!!!
Why dont you just transfer it into a jar of your choice? Does it stop mould or something?
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wanted to bring it over to the states with me, like i did with mango chutney. i know, they have tons of cranberry sauce over her but its just not the same! mmm, i doubt they would put it in plastic but they did mango chutney so who knows, more enviromental than glass maybe?
Good grief!!...that is like taking coals to Newcastle!
Psssssst .... pasta,

Just slipping in a quick goodnight.x

(Excuse me bubbles).
LOL...night mrs.c..take care x
I think cranberry sauce goes into glass jars because of the way it's made, bubbles - like jam.
However, I've seen a website from the US where things like that DO come in plastic jars, but never seen any here.

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