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rice advice needed!

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crisgal | 18:09 Fri 18th Apr 2008 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
my sausage casserole is almost ready but it seems to be much runnier than usual.
I was wondering if, instead of serving it with boiled rice, I could put the rice in the stew now and let it absorb the liquid paella style.
Would it work and how long would it take, do you think?


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Mix cornflour with cold water (one heaped tsp with a little water) and stir it in. It should thicken!

I'd pour over mash though! Yummy!
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well that's what i would normally do andrea81, but I wanted to do something a bit different.
LOL-you have probably eaten already....but here is an answer anyway...yes you can do it. I have done that many WILL need more liquid than normal for your rice as there are is also the meat in the pan-and that will continue to absorb it. When you put the rice in,give it a good stir and make sure it is well covered with liquid. It will take 35min or so.
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thanks pasta freak! Yes we have eaten it - and delicious it was too, even with boiled rice.
I will try that next time, cheers x

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rice advice needed!

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