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kamg2810 | 14:24 Thu 10th Apr 2008 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
why did they discontinue the chocolate bar called'secret',it had a gooey marshmellow centre


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omg Kamg!! ive been looking for those for years!! what ever happend to them?? :( i wanna find them too, if u find out will u please let me know??? they were soooooooo yummmy xxxxxx
Go to the 'do you remember' website and they have a petion to get it back. It worked with the wispa chocolate bar.
did they ever really take off?

I recall having to do a customer survey for secret bars, must be 20 years ago. I had a whole box and had to eat one a day and each time fill in a report.

Cant say i wanted to ever have one again after that though lol

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