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emandvee | 07:37 Sun 25th Apr 2004 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
I would like to know other peoples recipes for garlic bread. May thanx.


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Depends how much you like your garlic, but I've found this works best for me [great with Chilli con Carne]. Get a short fat baguette type loaf [Sainsnbury's do one called - I think Parisienne, it's got a diamond pattern on top] Take � pound butter, head of decent garlic. Soften butter [room temp], peel & crush garlic, add a good handfull of parsley and a squirt of lemon or lime juice, salt & pepper and mix well. Slice loaf diagonally [not all the way thru] and spread some of the butter in each cut. Now slice loaf again opposite diagonal and spread more butter in cuts. Spread a bit over the top of loaf, [especially at the ends - where it can get dried out] sprinkle with some mustard seeds & poppy seeds [white & black] and a few sprinkles of garlic flakes. Wrap in foil, [so that the seam is at the top of the loaf] bake in warm oven mark 4 ish; till butter has melted through bread [about 10-20 mins till bread is soft] Open top of foil and allow bread to crisp up. Serve on a warm plate. You can also use the part bake baguettes - or rolls [reduce cooking time] and prepare the mixture earlier & freeze - if you roll it into a fat sausage shape you can cut slices off to make filling easier. Try varying the herbs - coriander is a good one. Well worth the effort beats the whatsit out of the stuff they send with pizzas!! Enjoy - make sure partner has some though!
get some nice olive oil and and fresh finely chopped garlic, and mix together. Then I slice a nice uncut loaf into thickish slices and brush with the oil and cut face down on the barbie, you can do both sides if you want. This is tastier if you make the oil a few ays before, I usually have a jar ready made and just keep topping it up. You can put herbs in it if you want.
thats so simple take a french bread and then make the paste of soften butter with oregno powder and garlic paste .put this paste with brush on garlic bread and then cover it with aluminium foil and bajke it in the oven for 10 to 20 minutes.your tasty garlic bread is ready to eat.

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