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Egg Free Cake Shops

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barry1010 | 00:23 Tue 13th Feb 2024 | Food & Drink
19 Answers

I have noticed these egg free cake shops popping up and wrongly assumend they are vegan/vegetarian.  I don't get it.  Why insist on egg free cakes when a very simple vanilla cupcake has all this in it?

The cake range look fabulous but why be snotty about an egg you can't detect in a cake?  Surely there are not that many folk allergic to egg



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"All of our products are 100% egg free. The founders of Eggfree Cake Box follow a strict lacto vegetarian diet, and that is how they came up with idea for the company. While all of our cakes are eggfree, you really can’t taste the difference, meaning that it is a safe choice for a party where you are not sure if anybody has any egg allergies."

I note that it's a franchise operation.  So its bosses don't actually need to convince the general public that they want to buy egg-free cakes; they only need to convince gullible franchisees that they'll be able run a successful business by selling to people who (for whatever reason) don't want eggs in their cakes. 

I can't see the Ipswich branch lasting for long, as it's in a street that's largely populated by discount stores (such as B&M), where even Poundland couldn't make a profit and ended up  closing their store.  There will be very few people walking along that street who'll be willing to pay extortionate prices for egg-free cakes but the bosses of Cakebox won't care anyway - it's only the franchisee who'll have to face big losses.

Vegans can't have cakes if they're made using eggs.

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Vegans can't eat those cakes because they have milk and some have cream.

They seem very expensive to me but I don't buy cake.

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Buen, I agree with you.  These shops in my area are also in amongst the bargain basement shops, I never see anyone in them.

Out of my circle of friends - 6 have allergies to eggs their age ranges are young to old.

Seems to be more common or perhaps we are just more aware of it.

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Are they all related, Helen?  It is estimated that 0.5 -2.5 % of children are allergic to eggs, most can tolerate eggs by the age of 6 and only .5% off young adults are allergic.


no they are not related

"I never see anyone in them."

Me neither, barry. We have two High Streets to go to. Each has one of these shops and I've never seen a soul in either. Mind you, at the prices they charge (plus a tenner for delivery) they don't have to sell too many cakes to pay the rent. My next door neighbours (who have more money than sense) ordered six cupcakes for one of their kids' birthdays, Cost them thirty-five quid and they said they were bleeding horrible!

Maybe they overcharge because of the rent they have to pay to be on the high street, which may be why they ultimately fail. I can't see a business deliberately choosing a non-optimal price for their produce.

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Good heavens!  Those cakes are so easy to make - bet the kids would have enjoyed decorating them for the party, too.


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I live in a deprived area and the high street rates are comparitively low but the majority of people don't have the money to spend on overpriced cakes.  The independent cake stall on the outdoor market does very well as does Greggs.  The franchisee has picked the wrong location.  

"The franchisee has picked the wrong location."  

That may be true, barry. However, before that, I think the franchisee chose the wrong business. Where I live there are quite a few people who are well off within striking distance of the two shops I mentioned. However, I can't see too many of them paying six quid for a cupcake. I'm not sure how long the two branches near me have been going, but I fancy they may not last too long based on what I've seen.

I wonder if the owners have heard of somewhere for those not allergic to eggs:  The Egg Stores in Stoke Newington, London.  Amazingly, still going:

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I don't want to see businesses failing, but in this case it will be the shoppers that deal the fate.  I'll be interested to see what happens over the coming months

"The Egg Stores in Stoke Newington, London.  Amazingly, still going:"

I used to live about half a mile from "The Egg Stores", brainiac. I still pass by occasionally and I am amazed it it is still there! Even more amazing is the fact that the frontage has not changed in all the time I have known it (and that's a very long time!). 

there'll be booze free pubs next!

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It will never happen, TTT.  Except it is happening right now.  Fancy a meet up for an alcohol free drink?

Yes, NJ, I too lived very near The Egg Stores for about 18 years and although I must have walked past it hundreds of times, I only ever went in once - to buy some paper plates, I think. 

Blimey, what a strange place: like something out of the 50s with a very off-putting smell and food nobody in their right mind would buy, let alone consume.  I can only guess that it's kept going by the large orthodox Jewish community from up the road, some of whom, I seem to remember, ran it, and might still do.

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