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Do I Have Pizza Or Curry Tonight?

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abbeyleigh | 17:32 Tue 18th Apr 2023 | Food & Drink
13 Answers
Not sure what to have between 2 of them


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Oh, Abbey - I think only you can tell! However, I have just had a Madras beef curry/rice and it was yummy.
Have a curried pizza

Oh , and don't forget the pineapple
Fish and chips from the chippy
Ask them if they can make a curry pizza.
Have a vindaloo, especially if you're going to meet your new boyfriend after ;-)
I should read answers before posting. But I often don't.
Toss a coin and you'll find out that way what you really want.
You'll either be happy with the choice or a bit disappointed and there's your answer.
I've just seen this now, abbey, which one did you have and did you enjoy it?
Have a Pizza tonight and next time have a Curry, and so on.
Question Author
Curry I had last night so pizza tonight
Gone off Chinese now? I didn't realise some people had so many takeaways....just wandering if you ever cook or make yourself something healthy at home...far cheaper and healthier and can be fun
BBW, you make a good point. Cooking at home can be fun, i enjoy fresh cooked food every meal with a pudding. It is satisfying and healthy to cook for oneself.

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Do I Have Pizza Or Curry Tonight?

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