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Mashed Potatoes

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sherrardk | 08:39 Wed 14th Oct 2020 | Food & Drink
55 Answers
If I make mashed potatoes using unpeeled potatoes, will the skins come off when I put them through a ricer?


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Won't they just block it up?
No, also you will have dificulty ricing the potatoes.
Cut your unpeeled potatoes into quarters boil or steam, let them cool slightly then the skins will just slip off and you can pop the potatoes into the ricer.
Or mash them with a squasher device and then eat the skins.
Yes they will. You might have a few specks of skin but barely noticeable.

Roy - you just remove the skin from the ricer before putting the next spud in.
it would be quicker to peel the potatoes than fuss about picking skins out of a ricer-or even easier use frozen mash -its lovely with added butter and milk.
It's not really a faff to take a potato skin out of a ricer. I used to do it all the time.
Personally I don't find it hard or time-consuming to peel potatoes when I want mash. A ricer isn't necessary anyway.
Depends on the spuds. Some mash better than others.
For a family it's often easier to just crush the boiled potatoes a little then layer them in a tray with a light drizzle of oil and seasoning and crisp up in the oven.
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Lumps or bits will not go down well so I will peel them. Put off doing so as I have new (v sharp knives (no, don’t have a peeler, never used one) and I’m doing the whole bag of spuds).
Thanks, Sher, I've just bought a new potato ricer, some butchers hooks and a fleece :-D
Sher...get a speed peeler. Really fast.
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Made a rod for my own back with the ricer - they know if I haven’t used it. The mash I’m doing is for ‘stick to the ribs cheesey mash’ (it’s mostly cheese) so I can’t use mamy’s method.
Have you watched the video?
Ummm is Irish, so she knows everything concerning potatoes:-)
Spuds are my thing :-)
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I have watched the video, but I’m doing the whole bag of potatoes so that will take ages and it leaves little bits on them.

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