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woofgang | 13:52 Mon 26th Feb 2018 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
Dear Ab Editor, I would be happy to help out with the survey but I had to stop at the first question. I neither feel empowered or confused by nutrition information, I feel disinterested. I find this often happens with click box surveys; the answer I want to give is not there and I am not allowed to go on without giving an answer. If you just need numbers and want me to make stuff up then I am happy to do so of course :) I am not sure how many other questions similarly don't offer a response that I can choose as i stopped at Q1.....posting on a new thread as there is no option to comment on your thread.


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Exactly the same here. I spent much of my professional life providing people with medical information, so I don't feel the need even to read such stuff. I eat whatever I like, but in very modest amounts. I have no major ailments and my BMI is under 21. So I don't give a hoot for dietary advice, which changes every few months anyway.
I end to agree with you both, I did do the survey but ignored the first question.

I don't do online surveys, as no matter how you're reassured that no other organisations will have access to your information, they always seem too and then you start getting unwanted and tiresome contact you don't want. Customer Service Surveys on Airlines etc I dont mind filling in....just dont put in my name, address and tel no....there's no need to put it. If I was guaranteed another holiday, maybe I would, as I like a good break away.
It wouldn't open for me.
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spath AbEd asked us to do it....and surely its as important for people selling something to find out who is uninterested and why.

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