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Who Would You Employ As Your Live In Chef?

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EcclesCake | 16:31 Tue 09th Jun 2015 | Food & Drink
80 Answers
If money was no object who would you like to have as your personal chef?

I'd go for alternating months of Nigel Slater and Yotam Ottolenghi.

Hmmm, I seem to have a thing for gay chefs!

I'm guessing there will be an overwhelming response for Nigella from the male ABers!


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Antony Worrall Thompson I could then spend most of the day passing a mirror thinking 'What a handsome brute you are Talbot'
16:44 Tue 09th Jun 2015
For those who are too young to remember Fanny Cradock and Johnny this is the TV blooper that Baldric mentioned earlier when I mentioned the dear lady. :-)
Still makes me chuckle Retro x
galloping gourmet...graeme kerr was a favourite around that time..remember Fanny well..poor johnny always getting barked at !
I'll have marcus Wareing one week (as long as he shaves) and Jason Atherton the next. On rotation thereafter with some cooking thrown in.
Nigel Slater or Tom kerridge please.
cooking ?? who said anything about cooking ??
Prudie, so far Marcus wins of the three I have tried
Isabella Beeton
I assume you mean his food Psybbs :-) he seems a perfectionist, I like that.
Any of this lot please!

With Gordon Ramsey for entertainment purposes and to keep them in line,no I'm joshing with you but would still like Gr for the comedy value.

Who mentioned Anthony Worral Thomson earlier? he reminds me of a rather sweaty dwarf and to be honest I wouldn't want him anywhere near my kitchen.
The Americans certainly know how to do sexy chefs or cheffeses don't they!

I just get going thinking Of nigella as my aunt is a dead ringer of her and has the same voice gravely huskey voice.
>>>Isabella Beeton

Are you sure, Canary42?

There's very little evidence that she could actually cook but a substantial amount of evidence that most (and probably all) of her recipes were simply plagiarised!
while I am on for two seconds - why was Jamie called the Naked chef. See your answers when I am up at 10 - good night LOL
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alternating months of Michel roux, jnr an Gordon ramsay for me. when they are on hollibobs tom kerridge. thank you.
post at 6.14 reported !!!
I've already reported it minty.
another vote for Nigel Slater here, with a Raymond Blanc/ Giorgio Locatelli relief rota
i'd forgotten about angela Hartnett. can I add her to my list? really good Italian food.
Rachel Riley.

There's always the chippy.

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