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dairylea triangles

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berniecuddles | 20:41 Sat 18th Jun 2011 | Food & Drink
43 Answers
wife brought about 6 boxes home from work today,has anyone spread it on toast and grilled it before?? would it be ok! thx


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You mainly use spoons to eat, you eat steak and chips with spoons.

Im even more confused!!
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We used to make toasted sandwiches with it. Yum Yum
Pixi- you are Indian?
pixi, I share your liking - food never tastes better than when you eat it with your hands, particularly from shared dishes.
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Nice on toast and topped with blueberries
do they not allow you anything sharp then???
Shared dishes, I cant do that!!!!! gross!!
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i wouldn;t allow pix with anythign sharp :-)

i love eating with my fingers and shared food it the best
Sharing food? Are you mad? I nearly had a seizure then just reading that bit! Sharing?? Never, no way, nu huh!!!
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Cause its mine! You get your bloody own mate, try to share my food you get a fork imbedded into the back of your hand.

Survival of the fittest in my household.
dairylee and marmite is nice otherwise its a bit bland
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