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4getmenot | 22:18 Tue 10th May 2011 | Food & Drink
20 Answers
starting from next week gonna try avoid bread, potatoes, and pasta. Any ideas for nice meals?


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Nice stir fry, veg and meat. Nice stew?
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could have rice noodles in stir fry i guess
yes true. You could also make vegetables including cauliflower and brocolli if you like it, some crispy bacon, all cooked first, put in dish and pour cheese sauce over's lovely.
Steak & Veg.
Most soups.
Fruit salads.
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ah omelette another good one. Love cauliflower cheese but dont eat alot of cheese as bloke doesnt like it.
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what would be avoided in a low carb diet, sorry im crap at knowing whats what
Lo carb-avoid,cut down or cut out-potatoes,rice,pasta,bread,sugary flour-based products such as cakes and biscuits,high carb vegetables like peas and sweetcorn...there's more but you get the idea.
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so maybe meat and veg. I think i'll just stick to cutting out bread, pasta and potatoes.
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Best thing methinks as easier to do than all carbs. Certainly helps especially leaving off bread for a few weeks, you should notice the difference,.
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4getme - sorry for this - Pinki - how your wall coming on?
I know I could never do this as I feel awful if I don't have carbs and am a nightmare to live with, I turn into a right evil cow :) so wish you well with trying to do this. I am currently dieting, but having rice cakes, Nimble bread and still having potatoes and pasta so have been ok mood wise, so far I have lost a stone since the the start of March, my daughter started dieting at the same time, both eating similar if not the same food and she has lost 1 and a half stones. We have had stir fry with rice noodles, but otherwise all our meals have some carbs in so can't help you with any ideas for meals, just wanted to wish you luck.
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thanks all. Only say next week as have planned shepherds pie for tea tonight lol
Cauliflower mash is a great substitute for mashed potato. Just mash with butter or olive oil,seasoning....and maybe a bit of Philly for creaminess....lovely!
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My mother was extremely successful for the first time in memory just by cutting out anything that's white in her diet.
Meatloaf, broiled fish, pork steaks on the grille. You don't need to cut out all the fats, just stay in moderation. If you're on the grille I like yellow squash and zucchini sliced longways (so it doesn't fall through) wiped down with canola oil or olive oil with cracked pepper and salt. One egg scrambled in a bowl and add a splash of milk for a minute in the microwave and you have no fat added egg. White chili. Cobb salad. Three bean salad. I love cauliflower marinated in Italian dressing.
i'm thinking of giving up bread but stuck for lunch - i know i can make salads etc but i'm so lazy!

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