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How Can I Tell Someone Nicely To Stop Using My Acount

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computer14 | 16:28 Fri 05th Jul 2013 | Family & Relationships
61 Answers
this what their do their log into my acount and like their own posts and she also talks to their ask and pretends to be me! And when i asked her if i can talk to my ex friend she said no. i am done letting her use my acount. how can i tell her nicely to stop using it


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and just to ad, why do you need her permission to talk to your ex friend? is the ex friend an ex friend cos your bullying friend posted as you and caused bother?how old are you to allow this to happen, I am guessing 144
or 14 lol
Think somebodys having a laugh here at our expense, theres no way somebody could be as dumb as this.
go look at the ebay listings......
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Hi my ex friend unfriened me on my facebook but she friends with my ex on her facebook. i am only 18 years old
Watch my lips (as it were) : GO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD, and don't sell ANYONE what the new one is.
Sell her on eBay
Go to your FB account right now and change your password.

Then, have nothing more to do with ex friends. They are EX friends for a reason.
I'm sure there was a previous post about this from you?

If you want to tell her nicely then just ask politely though would you really know if she had stopped using it unless you change your password and make it so that she can't get in. I'd be tempted to change it radically as a slight change could be guessed and you don't want someone using your Facebook without your knowledge.

You may only be 18 but you're an adult and I'm sure you must have seen some of the trouble that can be caused on social network sites. I'm not saying she is misusing but do you really know what she is writing to and about who when she is using your account? Is she contacting this ex of hers with the ex knowing it is her or thinking it is you?

If you use the same of similar passwords for other things then I'd strongly recommend changing those passwords too. You might not want to but is there a valid reason not to that outweighs the possible problems letting someone have this access could cause?

Games may seem silly and harmless but just aren't a good idea generally and who knows what trouble could be caused (in your name!).

You don't have to be nice - how would she feel if you started using her account and putting up stuff she didn't write? Tell her to clear off, and CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD (have you done it yet)?
Oh, and then block her on FB too.
Its just a suggestion but how about changing your password?
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Hi i did change my password should i message her and tell her to stop
So glad you changed your password.

I wouldn't bother contacting her. She'll soon find out she can't access your account if she tries.

Personally, I would block her altogether. You really don't need someone like that in your life.
This is ,IMO, a wind-up.
Change your password then she will be unable to use your account. Easy.
Question Author
Hi but is that mean to do? i believe in god
don't give people your passwords and have a good life
Don't tell god your password either.

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