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B00 | 18:33 Fri 27th Jun 2008 | Parenting
20 Answers
was the first thing you said when you saw your child as they were born?

I touched on this in another topic, and it just reminded me that both Mr Boo and mine's 1st reaction when Mini Boo came along wasn't exactly maternal or in his case- paternal.

As we gazed in wonder at this little bundle, we both said, at exactly the same time the same thing which was..."My God, isn't she hairy?".

Hardly complimentary is it? LOL

Anyone else say something equally as 'off' or are we just lousy parents??


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lol At least yours was a comment about your baby, not like me, I said "can I finish my tea now?" I had even stopped halfway through pushing to have a sip of it lol

That was with baby number one, with number two I instantly looked at my boyfriend to catch his immediate reaction ( not that I could see baby in the position I was in anyway lol) I really cant remember what I said first, if anything, which is pretty bad really seeing as it wasnt that long ago!
Apparently, my father wanted to exchange me, as I was born with a mass of ginger hair....:O(
When I saw my first son, I said "omg, he looks just like colin" Colin is my cousin ( and not his dad, I hasten to add). Everyone else said after too, with a suspicious look in their eye.

Baby number 2 it was "Awww he's got gunk in his ears and can you wake him up" Him was referring to my partner who being the big failure he always is, was of course asleep!

I creeped my mum, the nurses and the quack out apparently. Aftera rather long labour, I stuck my foot out and so mother dearest was rushed to the emergency room where I was taken out of her. On being taken out it was discovered that not only could I fully support my head but that my eyes were wide open and I looked at everyone in the room (turning my head as I looked as the legend goes) square in the eyes before I cried. At this point my mum asked, 'is that normal?' Took three days before my mum got round to liking me and thinking I was cute. Personally i think embellishemnts have been added over the year.

Anyway, when blondie (middle sister) was born, mum's first words were 'it's a boy!' During that labour she'd refused to push as she was waiting for her midwife and her and her sister had gotten high on the gas and air.

When I say 'it's not my fault, it's my upbringing' I actually mean it.
i think it was "its a girl isnt it? is it girl? omg its a girl, look its a girl" or similar. I was in so much shock of quick birth but had truly believed i was having a boy.

I think the next thing i said was something about bricks :)

then we commented on her hair. 2 inches long at least, explains the heartburn
Iwas terrified of the responsblity when my first son was born- later the others - strange really - we've got six - 5 boys and a girl - makes you feel so strange, makes me love my wife in a different way - but still argue etc but close very close, have to be protective
SOunds like the arrival of a demon China, thus confirming your place as the evil twin. When I was born, everyone cooed at me, marvelling at my beauty, much like they do today!
lol well on both pregnancies I thought both my girls were going to be boys so when announced it's a girl I asked "are you sure?" I was high on gas and air at the time! lol You'd have thought by the second one I would have learnt to believe what the hubby told me!! lol :o)
"oh my God, she's HUGE!"

touching, huh?
Or the chosen one GS!

Beauty hides all manner of sins Goody!
You forgot to mention the midwife screaming and shouting "oh my god, its got a tail" shortly followed by puking acid everywhere.
Once I'd seen her the first thing I said "My God, she's got huge hands!", and my hubby commented that she'd make a great builder or boxer.

She is growing into her hands now I hasten to add :-) She did look like a gibbon when she was born, I don't think it helped that she had fur all over her shoulders and ears making her look like a little chimpanzee.
in that case, I feel I should add that my daughter was also quite hairy at birth.. which also did not (fortunately) last.

she also didn't stay HUGE. she is now 14, slim and (obviously) beautiful.

but she was a monster baby ;o)
when i saw my first daughter (after 38 1/2 hrs) i said.....
"its a girl....knew it................... are you going to wash her?...........
i was so knackered

with my second daughter i said "hello Charlie.............oh no! she's not a Charlie, she's a.....(the name we had originally chosen) but then i was shaking so much that i had to give her to my partner........oooeeerrrr!
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Rofl, im glad im not the only one who's maternal instincts didn't bring forth a gushing set of first words on seeing our bundles of joy (?)

To this day I still can't get over how hairy Mini Boo looked when born, she had hair across her shoulders, down her back across her backside and an awesome set of sideburns!
B00, mini Nat had fur on her ears and forehead! She looked like an extra from a werewolf fillum :-D

Fortunately I had friends whose babies were also born furry but grew out of it so it didn't worry me but Mr Nat didn't know this and for weeks he was worried that his little girl would have to start shaving her back and ears before she started school! Men....!
My first words were 'hello smelly' followed by ' dear god, you have hairy ears!', and she did (still does, but I am told they fall out, the hairs, not the ears!)
I was high on anathetic (general) and so when I saw her for the first time I said somethign along the lines of:

"Oh my God Tesco's are coming today, do you think they will mind us not being there?"

(obviously we get out Goods delivered)

followed by:

" I can't see her"

(by then my hubby removed the oxygen mask from my eyes as I had accidently moved it there when I woke up!)

I then fell back asleep!

After 37 hours of contractions and still only 1 cm dilated then an emergancy C-section,
All I could say was "Damn she's a girl!!!!!" We were convinced we were having a boy had chosen a boys name BUT couldn't agree on a girls!
I was out cold because things went a bit pear-shaped when my son was born. I don't remeber but I apparently came round asking whether anyone had fed the cat-we have never had a cat!

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