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Insurance Company

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chrisuk013 | 13:28 Thu 28th Sep 2006 | Business & Finance
2 Answers
i sent a challenging response letter to my holiday insurance company,As they had declined to pay out on what i was making a claim for.I sent this letter via royal mail registered delivery ie the garunteed service,Now i had checked on the royal mail website that this letter had been delivered and signed for which in this case it had been.So i thought no more of it and threw away the slip.I spoke to the insurance company yesterday and what they are trying to say is that they have never received this letter.Any advice on what i should do next....?


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Do you still have the tracking number? If so enter this, print off the page and send it to them - better still save the page and send it as an attachment to an email.
If not I presume you have saved the original letter on your pc so send this as an attachment to your email then at least you'll know they've received a copy for comment.
They've probably received and then lost the original so no amount of arguing over who lost it will help resolve the issue.
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i have got the original copy so i am gonna send this again,With a sarcastic letter telling them if they manage to lose the 2nd copy of the letter i have sent them i have a 3rd and a 4th i have photocopied and this time am gonna keep the recorded slip just so i can get a copy of the persons signature who signs for it

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