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Your Money Saving Tip's !

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BRAVO1 | 16:35 Thu 26th Jun 2008 | Personal Finance
74 Answers
New to the Business & Finance Section.

If you have ANY advice on saving money. please include it on your reply.



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Preying again are we Sir Prize ?.

There are special units in Prisons for people like you mate.
For someone with the mentality of a child I'm not surprised you needed advice on saving from adults.
Goodbye knob
Question Author
Is that the best you can do ?

Goodbye Knob ?

Do you know waht type of idiot you have made yourself look like ?.

Please GO AWAY

BRAVO1 - You sure do have a problem, and I am not alone in knowing that. You asked for ANY advice. Seven people gave you perfectly legitimate money-saving tips. And what did you do? Mock everyone. You pathetic little creep!!!!!!!!! But we all knew that also.
I'm not going to continue this argument because I have better things to do than waste any more time on you
Question Author
Oh dear !.

Our sword's have crossed before Sir.

How's your facebook account ? - Still the 14 yr old boy.

Sick *******.
If you see things on special offer that you will use and won't go off, buy them. Otherwise don't waste your money.

Check the reduced counter at supermarkets in the evenings. Don't get things you won't use.

Don't start one loaf of bread before you've finished the last one.

Cook a load of jacket potatoes on a Sunday and keep them in the fridge for a week for lunches.

A tin of soup with some cheap noodles chucked in makes a good lunch.

Go to for more tips and a weekly email with good deals on it.
Question Author
Only mocking you Sir Rule 42.

In fact I did thank the sensible people who answered.

Anyway, the school's are chucking out soon, I assume your be busy in your Ice Cream van.

Oh yes Kamgirl, if you can't take it, then dont give it.
Question Author
Thanks DOGLADY !

Ignore all these other children, this was a serious question to start with.

All the best
Question Author
sir-prize gives out another ice-cream....
Question Author
And another
-- answer removed --
Keep a budget - you are using a computer so can keep a simple spreadsheet.

Record every penny you spend, and how you spend it. You will be surprised where your money goes and will easily see ways to cut back.
mothercare online is accepting a 20% off code of EM8. Its even working on sale items!

so if anyone is looking at big buys like prams etc nows the time to try it
Question Author
Am I bovered ?.

Have you got a handfull of tissues mate ?..

Your getting off on checking out posts and contacting people.

Please go and do something usefull.
Question Author
Thanks Ethel and Redcrx !

As I said, ignore the children please.

Keep up the good work.
Question Author
Sir - Prize ?

Karmgirl ?

noknowledge ?

Your not related are you ?

Bravo 1... more like Saddo 1 ...get a life ..
Question Author
Another child enter's the room !.

If you don't like it then go away.

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