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Does money matter?

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Maypole | 20:27 Mon 08th Oct 2007 | Relationships & Dating
6 Answers
OK so Im financially OK/stable and my new fantastic guy hasnt got two ha'pennies to rub together.

Are we doomed to failure or is it irrelevant?


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Well, Maypole, some people say that 90% of marriage breakups are caused by money problems. I am not sure how they explain those divorces caused by adultery. By the way I heard in 75% of all marriages at least one partner had been unfaithful, but I am sure that is not so in your case.

I do not see why this should be a problem if you both love each other. Money does not always keep couples together, just look at the way celebrity couples break up at the drop of a hat. Can only finish with the Beatles song "Can't buy me love" which goes "I don't care too much for money coz money can't buy me love".

Hope it all works out for you both.
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Money only matters if you don't have it.
I suppose the real difficulties lie in attitude to money...does he spend what he has and you save and then he needs cash from you ( this is theoretical by the way) How will he cope with you paying for everything, living in your house etc.
I know a couple who were perfectly happy scrimping on benefits and then the mrs got a job, everything changed...the money was hers and he had to ask for everything which she resented as she went out and earnt it, not withstanding he looked after their baby...but the whole power / control dynamic in the relationship changed.
It's a sticky one.
I've been the main wage earner in our family for 6 years(I'm female), I've paid for everything...then my hubby got a job and now earns almost as I get resentful as he doesn't feel the need to contribute as I pay everything...
I suppose it's how you deal with it right from the start and I suppose what sort of people you are.
Not doomed but not irrelevant
My ex husband was very wealthy (on the most part thanks to me ;o) and my 2nd hubby..Mr P...didn't have a bean when we got together.

By all accounts he isn't Rockerfeller now..but things are much better than they were ~ and I loved him just as much then as I do now.

A true relationship can push boundaries, beat all the odds and be as strong as you want it to be. You aren't doomed at all, but there may be problems along the way which you will have to battle if you want the relationship to strive.
If you need to ask I'm afraid you're doomed
Most men i know are nothing without a good woman behind them, my bloke is a huge success now but when i met him he was anything but !!!
Any woman really worth having is not looking for your money she is looking for you and possibly a sprinkle of prospect and drive !
Good luck x

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