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Going on a man hunt!

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mistys | 00:43 Sat 30th Jun 2007 | Relationships & Dating
20 Answers
Im getting pretty fed up of being single and thinking of going on a man hunt but not sure where to start.

Where did you meet your partner? I need suggestions on where to meet decent men.


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welll i havent met a decent man yet.

though ive met a few lovely ladies lol
Question Author
Not planning on going to heaven anytime soon dot, any other suggestions?
local gypsey site mistys???
Question Author
Not sure they will meet my standards legend.
you're out of options then, soz
welll look for the one with a transit van of his own.
and at least 2 horses
Question Author
I dont like horses or pikeys to be honest.

Is that really all my options?

Where do all the decent men hide? Or are there none around?
i dont think there are any mistys.
maybe online dating??
problem is i think theres a lot of pete drugerty types out there
Question Author
Im too young to have to resort to online dating yet. Ill just have to wait and you never know i may bumb into someone when im least expecting it.

Thanks for your very 'helpful' suggestions.
I met me wonderful man(the 2nd time round!) when I was out for my 30th birthday......he was dancing next to me and stood on my foot!
He apologised then introduced himself......I said I know who you are as you came to my 18th birthday party!

I faniced that panst off him but he was with my best mate at the time lol Oh how things have changed!
I met my man through one of my friends, he was her best friend but lived away in the army in germany so only came over once or twice a year. However he's now my best friend as well as my boyfriend as is now based in the UK.

He makes me very happy :-)
Met mine at a funeral ( no not the corpse before anyone says anything!!!)
i met my hubby when we were both married to different people. We both fancied each other but were to scared to do anything about it for nearly 11 years. Finally got together and wondered why we waited so long. Dont give up mistys the man for you is out there somewhere x
oh tattoo i was just gonna say that. It wasnt the deceased partner was it lol
Sorry to beat you too it pixie!!! : )
Hmmm, I like your way of thinking... I kinda did the same thing about a year back... I met my partner on He's perfect and I couldn't imagine meeting someone more suited to me!

Friend reunited dating
Do you live near Sunderland ??
Am now married with nearly three children. All I can say is, you may have to kiss a few frogs along the way and also don't believe in love at first sight, especially when alcohol is involved! When I first met my husband, he was drunk as a skunk, giggling like a big girl and I didn't look twice at him, Saw him again six months later by chance, and thought - he's alright...and here we are! Good luck, but don't give up and you should know when its right...and don't forget to have some fun along the road!!!

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