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looobylooo | 02:50 Thu 03rd Feb 2011 | Body & Soul
50 Answers
do you think you can get an idea of someones personality through their handwriting...?


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"Answerprancer, these are facts".
By whose reckoning ? God ?
Upstanding pillar of community, or homicidal lunatic?

Not God, far from it.
Law based on scientific research. Graphology was debunked decades ago.
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mines a bit 'loopy' ...... says it all really doesnt it! ...... lol .....
Sorry Rasman, but this (along with my answer) is still just opinion.
Not recognised in law, not recognised by science.
I could write the word "HELLO" with my right or left hand, my right or left foot, or hold the pen in my teeth.

Write the word in a variety of styles.
It has never been shown that any personality traits can be categorically proven from handwriting.
"Not recognised in law, not recognised by science".
...and that makes it "fact" ?

Nah - still opinion.

"It has never been shown that any personality traits can be categorically proven from handwriting". far as you know.
"It has never been shown that any personality traits can be categorically proven from handwriting".

If you can prove that statement false, I will buy a hat and eat it.
Do you honestly think for example, you can discard job applications based on the handwriting style?
That's personal judgemental ism / bigotry in the eyes of the law. I thought you were against that sort of thing.
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I don't think you can loooby. If you look through my diary you wouldn't think it was written by the same what does that say?
You can believe that graphology is able to show personality traits if you wish - But there have been many many controlled studies performed over the years. None have been able to demonstrate any sort of link.
So, the evidence suggests that you cannot derive any sort of idea of someones personality through their handwriting.
no personally i dont think so
About as accurate as measuring someones head to see if they have criminal tendencies.
I'm not so sure, my writing varies depending on what I'm writing and in what situation. People always say my writing is ridiculously neat. We were taking about this in the pub last night actually as I was the main writer for a pub quiz.

You could think would mean I'm like that generally, in some things yes but generally very laid back. I know people who are very self controlled and just so who scrawl.

I think anyone can learn to write in a certain way and environment plays a part, I used to practice a lot to get neat handwriting (English teacher father with the most ridiculously neat handwriting and we used to have handwriting competitions at school) and changed styles a few times.

If I'm writing to write more clearly, say at work eg forms or making notes, It's very rounded and straight on however, if I'm writing more casually, it's more fancy and slanted and loopy. Always write joined up.
Another thought, it also depends on the pen I'm writing with. I'm more of a biro girl but I can write in my normal everyday style with a posher ballpoint or cartridge pen, have to go more flouncy and slanty or it doesn't look as neat.
OMG I think I've got a split personality!
To answer the question - I believe no, it's highly unlikely.

I can't remember who it was but I recall a comedian saying "Apparently, you can tell a lot about someone's personality from what they're like."
I'm not sure about personality but I've seen similarities between family members.
My dad, his brother & their father all have/had very similar writing...My mum & her sister had almost identical writing. On an envelope it was hard to tell which one was which & only in the letter could you see differences... My oldest son's writing has become more like mine over the years.
My writing is very much like both of my parents. Well it was until I learned shorthand and then it suffered because I tried to write too quickly!! I don't particularly think it shows character, although most of the really outgoing people I know have bold, open upright writing which I love. Mine slopes to the right!

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