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do you need to shower everyday?

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joko | 14:18 Tue 19th Oct 2010 | Body & Soul
41 Answers
fair enough if you are doing sometrhing dirty or that makes you sweaty, but i mean say on a lazy day, when you havent done anything much all you think you need to?


(i dont mean just because you like to either)


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As one gets older the need for frequent showering becomes
less nesseccary, the natural oils in the skin can't replenish as quickly as before. The skin becomes dry and flakey. So perhaps 3 -4 times a week is better for you.
In between showers use a good moisturiser.
wipe the worst of the smegma off once in a while. There's no need for all this bathing and showering.
My goodness, no it isn't essential. I shower most days, but on some days have a good wash, especially if I am staying in. People didn't smell years ago when showers were rare and hot water wasn't available all the time. Bathing once or twice a week was the norm and people shared the bathwater. We washed down at the sink with a flannel and soap. To be honest too many showers,especially using products can destroy the balance of your skin.

I haven't had a shower today and I don't smell!! People are obsessed with hygiene these days!, both personal and in the home and they aren't healthier for it.
Children used to have their face, hands and knees washed at the end of the day. This is when boys wore short trousers and girls always wore skirts ;o0)
As per salla says actually!!
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i agree...its not necessary unless you have been doing something to warrant it.

i ask because my boyfriend is horrified that some days i choose not to...not because i smell, just because he thinks its weird not to...he thinks its just what you're meant to do.

i wash my bits and pits everyday, but i dont like to wash my skin an hair too often as its very drying.
is it vile that on the days i don't shower i dont wash either??
No I certainly don't, nor does OH - we're not smelly, if we are not feeling grubby there is no need to. My skin is very dry so I always have to oil it afterwards (if just got out of the bath and I feel like a seal). Both our hair is very fine to we wash it every three or four days - there is just no need to do it more often. I can think of better things to do with the time!
I'm with sandyroe on this one - I bathed tonight because I needed warming up, not because I was dirty.
PS - we are however meticulous about cleaning our teeth, and having read in a journal at work the other day that cleaning your teeth twice a day, and paying attention to oral hygiene, helps ward of heart disease - we'll be keeping up that habit!
After nearly 30 years in mining, twice a day is a hard habit to break
I could understand that paddywak, I used to travel to London on Southern Region trains when I first left school, I had to have a bath every night just to get rid of the smell of axle grease.
For several months I worked in a part of the pit where there was that much crude oil we were issued with fresh work wear every day and only worked a six hour shift to give you an extra hour in the showers, despite all the special soaps and creams we were provided with you could always tell a nineties man
As my skin and hair are both far drier than when I was younger,I will take a rest day-on a day off from work-and not shower. The 'bits' get done though.
My hair-which I used to need to wash either daily or every other day, now gets done every takes at least 2 days before it really has any body in it.
In the summer/hot days I will shower every day and have even showered twice in one day.

But in these winter months, I am reluctant to strip in my cold bathroom and tend to wash under my dressing gown or have a hot bath.
I normally shower in the morning and because of the nature of my work I have a shower when I get home, if Im not working I just shower in the morning.

Glasgow shower..............Use 1 wet wipe.

Glasgow bath..................Use 2 wet wipes. :-)
I shower in the morning and wash my hair usually, but I don't wash my hair with shampoo it every day it goes floppy.
I do that too, askyourgran. My hair can't cope with not being washed every day. I've always been a bit envious of folk who can walk about taking advantage of a shower for days on end! At the end of my life I'll probably have spent several years more than them in the shower.
I won't leave the house in the morning until I've had a shower and washed my hair, I'd just feel dirty otherwise. I can also happily shower when I get home to freshen up for the evening.

I'm so used to doing this I couldn't not. I'm not saying people aren't dirty if they don't, just that I'd feel dirty if I didn't.

My hair is so used to being washed everyday that it goes horrible if I don't.

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