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I Give up

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4getmenot | 11:22 Wed 05th Aug 2009 | Body & Soul
52 Answers
I really want to lose weight and have lost count the diets I've tried. Cereal diet, boring lost about 3lbs and put it back on. Eating 6 times a day and exercising 1hr each day whilst drinking lots of water, put on weight. Wholemeal cereal for breakfast, salad for lunch and normal tea and exercise, nothing lost. Just grapes all day and water. Nadda!! I think I'm going to become a coke addict it's the only way :-(


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well thats a bit pricey. anphetamine would be cheaper! no! please don't eat coke, it is constipating.
Speeds cheaper.
Get some nice tenuate dospan over the internet. They reduce your appetite and you can't sleep 'cos you're so hyper. They really work.......but may kill you.
Maybe now you've given up on diets, (which don't work) you'll stop obsessing about it, relax & start losing some weight.

How much weight do you need/want to lose?
Question Author
I dont need anything that supresses my appetite as I'm hardly pigging out. I;d like to lose a stone at least. And MWB how exactly can I lose weight. I'm baffled. Other week I did lose 4lbs in 2 days how I dont know but got it all back
i wouldnt worry about it sis, you are toned and not at all fat.
weight isnt really an issue you need to worry about
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You wait till you see me in a swimsuit when we go on hols sis. I know my weight and I am overweight :-(
do you want to swap?

sometimes our bodies find their own weight, you dont look fat, you may feel it but you dont look it at all. what is a good weight on some is unhealthy on others. we cant all be size 8 weighing 7st and be healthy :)

diet on hard boiled eggs (hard digesting) and rice with tea only....for a week. If your weight drops keep this your staple food source with occasional chicken added.
and Vit C pills!
Tanbo, diets don't work.

And only eating one or 2 things or cutting out something altogether brings on the bodies "starving" (for want of a better word) mechanism. If you give your body all the things, carbs, protien, choc, sugar, water, vege, etc - ALL IN MODERATION - will stop this happening.
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yes have done that too. As I said I have tried everything. Tambo I would never be able to keep that up anyway/ I nede something where I am able to still cook a meal for my partner without it getting costly.
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I do look it redcrx. My legs are hideous. I know I will always have them chubby knees I had when I was 3 and I have big thighs but I would just like to lose a bit
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its not even about looks or anything really. I mean we all want to look good but I have a man who loves me for what I am but I dont want to carry on putting on the weight for health reasons
but are you putting on the weight now or have you settled to a weight?
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I am just always the same, a weight I dont like! lol You'd have thought an hour of dancing every morning might have helped me a bit
4get I am exactly the same! My body seems to settle at a certain weight and won't have any of it. I think I am technically overweight for my height but a few years ago I suffered with anxiety and went to about 9 1/2 stone which didn't suit me but I still want to lose weight and I hate my thighs. People say I'm not fat and I don't think I am but I would love to lose a few more pounds.
I am technically 1 st. overweight and remain there. I don't diet but eat healthily. I can only think this is where I am meant to be. I just worked out my BMI for when I was 25 and I was in the underweight range!! BMI's weren't even heard of then. We can't change our basic body shape though. I have slim legs but would love a slender waist - it aint ever going to happen. Even when I was 25 my waist size was disproportionate and I longed for a curvy figure instead of being 'boyish'!!!

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