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Feeling fed up :o(

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CAJ1 | 09:35 Tue 28th Apr 2009 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
I know there are always people much worse off but for the last few days I have been feeling so irritable, miserable and crying at the drop of a hat and I'm fed up feeling like this. Any ideas for cheering me up?


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Ahh caj, hope you feel better soon :-)

Sending hugs and kisses xxx

Lovely sunny day here, shame am at boring work!
Your not having your pmt r u caj1 ?? Sounds like me at that time ov month ... It could b the weather gone from sunny to dull in just a few days ... Cheer yourself up with a pamper day that works for me .. Or if your not working get snuggled up on bed with a good DVD an wait for the mood to pass cos it will :))
Morning angel hope ur ok tday hunny :)) x
Hi Jonah, not too bad thanks - wish I didn't have this ex situation to think about but will sort it one way or the other!!

U ok? xx
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Thanks Angel and jonah hart

Don't know whats wrong with me, I started taking the pill again about a month ago and I was fine but feel crap all of a sudden. I've argued with my bf twice since the weekend over petty things! I asked him to clean the bathroom and he told me he had but it didn't look like it to me! Then he told me to stop going on at him about it and I went off and cried - its stupid lol!
Perhaps your just having an off few days and the pill does affect your moods a bit too doesn't it.

I'm sure it will pass soon like jonah says xx
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I'm sure it will, I wish they could invent something so we didn't have to feel crappy! xx
Yeah that would be nice lol x
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Men have it so easy, they never get grumpy unless they have a reason lol!
Yes the pill can mess with your hormones caj1 don't b so hard on yourself ... Awful wat us women have to go through :( I'm good angel thanks for asking:) b a gud thing wen ur sorted with ur ex one way or another eh ? Chin up ladies :) x x
Take some time out for YOU...I would recommend swimming, push yourself that little bit harder, when you get out have a nice long shower....its amazing how it takes all your stress n tension away! Hope you feel better soon!
If anyone finds a 'cure'...please let me know,as I have been feeling that way for months now.
And Iam not on the pill,and am past ANYTHING that is caused by hormones..... ;-((
I think its with all the stresses an strains of the credit crunch and wat not pastafreak...I think its taking its toll on everyone nearly everyone i no seems to be run down at the moment and have been since the begining of the year and theres so much crap in the news all the time it does get you down... We just have to stay as positive as we can an altho it might not help just no your not alone.. :)
you are so right there jonah.....I feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel at the mo.
But just no you will see that light and when you do pat yourself on the back for getting through it... Ive been there many many times pastafreak and its lovely when you finally see the light at the other end :)
hi Caj1, i have been exactly the same for the last few days. i know why it is with me, my son is flying off to new zealand tomorrow for up to a year and Im gonna miss him but know he is going to have a great time.

keep in touch and we can try and cheer each other up xxxx
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A few days of this is enough for me pastafreak, god help everyone if it lasts longer lol!

Ahhh afcjan :o(

My bf was away in Iraq for 3 months and I found that hard, now he's back and its like he was never away! It gives you a chance to both grow. Definitley keep in touch, I'm sure my fed-up-ness will pass but I'm here if you want to chat xxx

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Feeling fed up :o(

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