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fao puddi

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sqad617 | 19:43 Sat 28th Mar 2009 | Body & Soul
54 Answers
Puddi in answer to your question, I am not a nurse.


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puddi....yes, I was a Mr. but you can call me "darling" LOL

velvetee...from what you say, the only tube would be up your nose.....nasopharyngoscope......painless and nose anaesthetized first.
indeed, a bottom doctor
Sorry sqad, I read somewhere on here re you being a med student:-(
I guess that's the reason I haven't pursued it, as I don't like the idea of anything going up my nose. This Phlegm thing is very annoying though.
Velvetee the camera up the nose is absolutely fine,you don't actually feel it at all.I was petrified before mine,I thought I was going to throw up when it touched the back of my throat....I never felt a thing though :)
How do they Anaesthetise you in that area Daffy and how big is this camera thing. Is it a fibre optic kind of instrument?
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puddi...yes...a consultant.

daffy, never did work at the BVH, but did Medical Appeal Tribunals at a place past the Park on the left, the BVH on the right over a railway bridge and to an establishment was also a driiving test centre........doe that make sense?

Also has F&Chips at the Cottage whenever I could get away from Mrs sqad.......LOL
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stompe......LOL LOL the original was Peter Sellars LOL
Still think you sturgeons are a tad mad darling lol!!
Peter Sellers and Who? sqad, you have forgot! LOL
Question Author are correct, but the money is good......LOL
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stompe........Gina Lollabrigida...?????
by saying gina lollypop you must be in youre early seventies?
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puddi....LOL do you know then?
cos that beautiful lady was your era!!
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?OUR era...LOL
sorry squad no, was born in the fifties but have a really good memory and absorb loads of rubbish lol!!
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Eh! a young strippling eh? puddi
Sophia Loren,sqad close though! lol

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