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Message for VillageVicar.

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Shadow Man | 01:24 Tue 09th Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
44 Answers
Dear Father Bill,

I just want to say that I find your answer perhaps the most well written and thoughtful responses I have ever witnessed on here.

I do not know if you were somebody else on here previously, and frankly I do not care.

You are thorough, intelligent, have just the right amount of wit and are bang on with your advice and information.

Thank you for bringing a modicum of common sense on to AB when there are so many who just post inane crap and fuel the fire with swathes of hate and jest.


Shadow Man.


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Hello Fr Bill :-)xx
i agree shadow..
village vicar....hi ... check my thread...i answered you!
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Blimey. And I thought that the all female posts in here were getting a bit saccharine.

My teeth tingle.
And just to ruin the harmony...
Shadow were you nonced by a priest as a child?
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My hair?
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And that's just my body hair.

You going to get to the point or am I going to have to suffer the full wrath of Wardy for chatting on his thread as well as calling it sweet?
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You like me for my wit.


I was pretty sure it wasn't for my sweetness of temper.
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Thank You Shadow :)

For putting up such a lovely warm message. xxx

Fr Bill.

Hello. :)

When do you next go on a jaunt to Moldovia or any of your other special places for the kids you have please?

How do I go about sending a box of goodies to a home of yours?

Clothes? some toys and colouring books and paints and even towels if needed.

What I don't want, is for it to be stopped in transit and taken by others.

Look forward to your reply dear sir :)


Oh good grief.

Now my teeth really are tingling!

I'm going back to News.

B&S should be re-named Bassetts & Sugar.
Stewey: You�re not far from that riveting description. The age mean of the community here is more or less�er um�deceased! When we exchange the Peace, we take the pulse!

With that in mind, it means riveting days of excitement: Lawn bowls for the young whippersnappers. Coffee mornings, tombolas and rather than watercress sandwiches, it�s more like Mrs McGillicutty�s prune daiquiris and copious sums of Metamucil.

In the afternoon, it�s a visit to the local care centre where the residents engage in exhilarating games such as �hide and go sleep.� � Bobbing for dentures,� �What�s my name,� �Hide the catheter,� and my favourite - �Bladder bag Bingo.�

But the truth is, I wouldn�t want it any other way!

And I live amidst two castles and an Abbey. Except for the ghosts of history past, it�s relatively quiet down here.

Be well

Fr Bill
Fr Bill,

I've just read your sewing machine expedition lol

A friend has just sent me this link.... tures/bulgarias-children.shtml

Village Vicar - you just got me into trouble laughing out loud and spluttering tea all over my desk at the Care Centre Games!!!!!!
I used to manage a sheltered housing scheme and the best part about your games is the 'contestants' will also think it's hysterical!
Thank you for brightening a very miserable morning:-)
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What a nice thread from Wardy - see, there is a nice side to him!

I agree with you Wardy & most of the others - I also think Village Vicar (or Fr Bill as I like to call him), has been a breath of fresh on here.

Keep up the good work!
Hi smudge , I agree , :-) xx

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