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Your mood in one word...

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whiskeysheri | 16:43 Tue 07th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
48 Answers
Good afternoon! Today started out as 'one of those days' (after I shut my own leg in my own car door), but I've just sold a piece of machinery on eBay for a lot more than we ever expected. My dad has just told me he's very proud of me lately, so I'm chuffed (as sad as that sounds)! :o)

How about you lovely lot? x x x x x


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is what i meant to say!
Thanks bigmama :O) I feel a little better now I have had a lovely cyber hug! :O) Heres one back!


Thankyou :-) x
Not to worry Toon , lay down in a dark room and you will feel better .
Yes, i will lay down in a dark room to plan my next act of Sabotage!
Bit fed up.

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Did you get my email, gg2? x

Worring! ;0)
No sweetie, for some reason my hotmail account wont let me view any emails (it never has)

****** off!!!!! I'm trying to do an NVQ assignment and it just ain't happening!!
Still trying to find out what GetOverIts discombobulated means I the only person who doesn't know ?

( creeps away ....)

boooooooooored! :-(
tired due to personal problems so had very little sleep for the past couple of nights,and been at work all day so sounds like your having a better day than me
Now changed to...


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