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Mood for the day?!

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mistys | 13:21 Sun 05th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
What mood you in today??

Im very hungover and just wanna slob around all day.
Even tho the sun shining i dont think i can face the brightness......

Got work later tho so will have to improve on my mood!!

Hope everyone is in a good one :)


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hi misty, i am also hungover, drank buckets of water, but decided to go to the gym, cos dont get much time off, so have to fit some fitness in somehow, it will hopefully make me feel better, my eyes look like two peeholes in the snow, and my stomach is doing somersaults, and my excema is come out under one of my eyes, itchy and puffy, looks like someone has punched me, but apart from that i am feeling ggggreat!!!
Hi misty and puddicat,im hungover as well.What a load of dirty stopouts we are.Apart from cooking dinner,im not doing anything today either.
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Sorry I dont understand, whats a gym??? lol
Your mental, I can just about make it to the fridge.

Was meant to be going out for lunch but dont think ill be making it.

I dont look too bad considering I didnt get in till 5:30!!
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Well it was def worth it lol
Hope it was for you both too :)

Im just trying to convince my sis to cook me dinner, she also really hungover so not sure it gonna work.
I have been out in the sunshine today , it's gorgeous out there , now going to meet some friends for a drink , so I'm in a good mood .
Im in the gym too but only cos my pc is in
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I think you the only one (see what I did there, lol) who isnt hungover.

Have a good day and spread your good mood, im hoping to catch someone else.
well its miserable here in scotland, its what we call dreicht, the kind of rain that gets you wet!!!, i am hoping that i get invited out for my dinner, i am sure he said he would take me, cant remember if i dreamt it,dont like to ask him, as he seemed sober and i was p.........hed
Hi mystys and everyone , I'm in a good mood and the sun has got its hat on .......:-) xx
i am up and down like cinderella man jim braddock but now im happy cos the sun is shining hurray

SQ xxx
Weather is not very nice here in Scotland. My fisrt weekend off in two weeks, so feeling miserable. Hate the rain.
Off to do some grocery shooping UGgghhhh.
Morning mistys, glad to hear you hd such a good night! I have had a lovely day so far, our 4th anniversary so lovely flowers, chocs, brekkie in bed and a new MP3 player to replace my thoroughly knackered old one!
I am happy, but a little mizzy after 4 vodkas and one sambuca shot last night (I am 21 going on 51!) so taking it easy. Love summer hols! No getting up at 7am on weekend days to complete deadlines!
puddicat, I can safely say you are MAD! The gym, pah! I barely made it round the park with the dog this morning, and that was at a crawl! Me, not him, he was bouncing as per!
hau kola, is Mr hk still in a huff? Don't you dare make HIS dinner, he doesn't deserve it! :D
Morning bm, oh, afternoon sorry! How's things, lovely lady?
cruella-oh dear, hardly a nice way to spend your time off! Groceries in the rain :( Hope it perks up later, and that you treat yourself with a nice cake or something. x

I do have the car but still hate having to go food shopping.
Anyway, just wanted to wish you a Happy Anniversary. Have a great day
Afternoon leelapops sweetie ,happy 4th anniversary , have a wonderfully special day :-) xx
Hi leelapops,dont no what mood hes in,hes bu**ered off playing golf all day which suits me,bit of piece and quiet.
well its either im in the mood for lurrvee or.
Cruella, thank you very much! Grand so far, although he works nights so still in bed! Poor baby.
bm thank you :) The 4th of many I hope! What you up to?
hk, oh dear! Well, suit himself! x
Hi Mistys , do you now feel better ? I have been out with the friends , had a couple of drinks so will be cooking dinner later . Some one told me that if you have a really bad hangover you should eat eggs for breakfast , fried, boiled or poached as there is some thing in them which counteracts the alcohol , try it . Nothing ventured nothing gained !!!!!

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