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Weather with you ?

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legend763 | 10:35 Sat 21st Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
Good morning people of ab :-)

How is the weather with you today?

Im watching sky news and find it shocking!!!

Luckily for me its sunny and 75 degrees no doubt into high 80s by noon.

Time for a holiday folks?

Well have a fun day im off out and will have a tall cold one for you all.

Hasta luego amigos :-)


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peeing doon
Question Author
im off out now.
have anice day folks.

i know ive posted this before but it really does lift your spirits.

go on smileeeeeeee

......more rain and more rain and.....
Weather is ok here , sunny with a bit of cloud and 17c , so better than Friday !!!
here you go have a nice reefer today leg

adious see ya manyana amigo
Don't like the sun i prefer it cool, because i am cool :OP
Cloudy here, with more rain on the way!

I'm so cold I've got a jumper & sox on too.

Venturing out now - brolly at the ready!
Rain..Rain and more Rain here in south yorkshire and for the time of year..not very warm.
Rather cold and raining in Scotland.
Hissing down in Cardiff and cold!
Hi legend,
Got to ask, were the numbers after your name previously 007?.
Hi, legend. Still no break in the heatwave here in Vienna.
9pm and still 30�. All week we've had temps in the high 30's. It's exhausting.
The weather in UK is unbelievable, it's so unfair. We're desperate for rain, but maybe the next few days will be better. Unfortunately when it comes, it's usually with hefty thunderstorms and possibly hail!
Question Author
it6s been over 30 degrees today its si hottttttt

not my problem if you cant expose yourself lol

Question Author
i was legend 007 but did no wrong.

The reason I asked, is becaus I have a couple of your posts, (as 007), in 'My Profile', ones that I had answered, but I now can't get rid of them, everytime I click on them I get 'Server Error', or error 500, so now i'm assuming you've changed your server. Not your fault, but could you tell me if this is so?. If it is, then i'm stuck with them.
Question Author
i dont have a clue lonnie.

sorry cant help you.

ask a techyhbead person.
smile lonnie : -)
As I said, its not your fault, I have been on to some experts, with no joy, perseverence is the answer.
Question Author
were they that bad you need to get rid of them like ?

what did i say ??

was i smiling ?

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Weather with you ?

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