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wiggal | 14:59 Thu 03rd May 2007 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
If i was pregnant, could/would i possibly have the funny feeling i get in the bottom of my stomach before im due on? But no bleeding?

Ta x


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Early pregnancy signs can be very similar to period signs.
I don't think you are getting the feelings in your stomach necessarily, maybe in your uteris or lower pelvic area, if you have pains in your stomach it could be more to do with a gastric problem. Morning sickness is not like period pains and you only get period pains in your uteris, I think.
You can get 'pulling pains' in the early stages of pregnancy when the embryo is implanting in the lining of the womb. Tha pain is felt in the lower pelvic area and is similar to period pain. If you are pregnant , as long as it is not acute pain and/or with heavy bleeding , then it is nothing to worry about.
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Just been out and bought 2 tests and come home, waited til i needed the loo enough, went, and im ok, im safe :)
I was a good few days late & people have been commenting on the amount im eating and saying am i pregnant!?
Happy now though! :)
if no wish to get pregnant take precautions in the future, better safe than sorry,
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Im on the pill,
But recently ive been so tired & keep falling asleep on the sofa in the evenings, when my partner wakes me up to go to bed im in a semi awake daze and wandering around all over the place before just collapsing on the bed! Most of the time i dont even remember waking up to go to bed, and sometimes i obviously havent taken my pill because of that!

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