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OUCH! willy trouble!

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unruliejulie | 17:40 Tue 13th Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
My 3 year old boy has hurt his winkle today. :-( He fell off the loo whilst reaching for something and must have trapped it inbetween the loo seat as he went forwards. He has ripped it around the base at the top and i dont know what the best course of action is for it. I dont think it needs a visit to the docs but what can i do with it? Shall i just leave it or put cream on it? If so, what sort of cream? Normally i would just put a plaster on it but in this case, its a bit awkward. I dont want him to get an infection just there!!!!!!He's not helping cause he wont let me look at it either. I got a quick peek whilst he was asleep and as you can imagine, it looks pretty sore.


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children, children...

Damn this knackered keyboard!
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thanks WS, will do! X

4get, sure made me feel like i dont care about his health though!!! I asked for a bit of advice thats all. I take it we arent allowed to ask health questions regarding our children!!!!
I put ripped cause i guess thats how it happened as he tipped forward. His dad has been holding onto his ever since i told him! lol
I think thats why crete put sorry in her first post because from what we know of you on here you're a lovely gal :-) Dont worry I think we all know you wouldnt leave him if he was really seriously hurt but it was worded a bit painfully :-) xx
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and of course it looks sore, any cut does, maybe its just the positioning of it.
anyway,. im glad i asked!!!!! LOL
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thanks 4get, i do like to think people on here know me better than to think im a bit of an idiot with stuff like this, :-)and there are more tactful ways of saying things!
:-) Now, lets all breathe, my litle man still has his little man intact which is the main thing, unless of course it drops off in the night in which case, Crete, you were right!!! Lol!!!!!!!!!!!
julie, im sorry your child has hurt his penis, my reaction was to a question which i thought sounded quite serious, in no way was i questioning your ability as a parent, what right would i have to do that ? if i caused you any distress today im sorry , but if you revisit your question you may see that it appeared an emergency at the time . : )
Crete, why does Badgerchops think you are a man??
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well thanks crete but having just re-read my question, i have put that i didnt think it needed a doc so that should have told you it wasnt an emergency. To ask if i should put cream on or not doesnt really sound like an emergency, does it ? Maybe i worded it wrong, its difficult to describe really. It does look sore and he did rip it but i can assure you that i wouldnt be sitting at my comp asking the lovely peeps of AB if it was any worse than it is. I appreciate your last post. thank you!!!

anyway, thank you all for your advice, it is much appreciated. x
partyanimal, must be the facial hair ?
Oh dear
ouch................... thats gotta hurt!!!
Sounds like he might have damaged his frenulum, the poor blighter. With most child injuries it is always best to get a doc to look them over, not only for medical reasons but - and I know this sounds harsh - they also need to rule out any abuse or neglect issues.

It is common for this to tear during sex, but if it is not bleeding it should be ok (I wouldn't put anything on it unless NHS direct or the doctor tells you to) and a check by a doctor tomorrow to make sure all is ok is the best course.
Question Author
thanks octavius,
ive never heard of the frenulum. It isnt deep and its not bleeding but i am going to the docs with him in the morning just to be on the safe side. I just hope he is a bit more forthcoming in showing it to him than he is me! ..
rb, hold onto yours, you just never know when an accident might happen! lol
Ouch ~ poor mini Unrulie! :o(

I crossed my legs too..'owwwwwwwwwww'.

Hope he is ok, hun. My son did the same sort of thing, although he caught his in his zip. I took him to the doctor the next day as his willy kind of swelled up on the end (more so than usual, lol) the doc told me to put some salt in his bath to aid healing.

I think that stung a bit ;o)
hi julie, I was always an overdramatic mum and i know i would have been sitting in casualty within half an hour if this had happened to either of my boys. My youngest is 6ft 4 and 20 years old now but his x ray file at the hospital was in double letters almost by the time he was 16! (they put a coloured sticky letter on at each x ray lol) but he was a footballer!
i would worry about infection and in the old days we would have added dettol to a bath lol
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aww thanks guys, i looked at his willy later on and it was swelling up and looked a lot worse than it did earlier so i took him to the childrens clinic tonight. As i thought it is just superficial and needs no treatment. Just gotta keep my eye out for any infection.
Dot, im the opposite. Im not one who wants to rush to the docs with everything, thats why i didnt immediatly do anything about it but my mind is at rest now .:-) kids eh!
keep the lad clean and dry.
if the wound begins to look infected, as it may do due to where he cut himself... take him to the Doctors.

there are a million and one types of nasty thingys lurking on the cleanest of bodies, especially in this area so keep an eye on him.

for the record, my reaction was the same as CRETE..
i thought get the lad to a doctor, dont wait for answers on here !!!!!
only after you stated it was minor, did i think it was just a keep it clean issue.. if all else fails, revert to the tried and tested salt wash...
may be a good idea to give him a mild salt bath just to be on the safe side...
dont need to help him clean the area if it isnt a bad cut, just let the salt do its magic.
Morning hows the little boys little boy today?

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