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gingersticks | 23:28 Mon 08th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
34 Answers
Hello all, as you will all be able to tell, I am new to the site. I have used this site before, and witnessed the lively banter you all create! So, I would love a warm welcome from all ur ABers to get me going! Please, introduce yourselves! X


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hi ginger, i'm devilwoman and i'm gorgous, are u man/woman and ru yu ginger/
You are new to the site but you have used it before? Are you gingerflaps? I miss that aber not seen them in a ***** age
welll hellllooooo gingerrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello there gingersticks welcome again, I am spurslady.

I hope you have a pleasant time with us. XXXX
I smell a rat!!
I am ummmmm....and I am the best looking female here

not :-(
sorry ummmmm, but i am the most gorgous lady here.
I agree with Ratter
Hi Gingersticks. I'm Sair. A warm welcome to you! :)
i would say ummmm is, but she wears a muslim bhurka

ps hello gingersticks
what you think it is a new day today?
mmmmm could be ummmm but how can we find out?
Ask nicely???????!!!!!!
waves ..hiya
ASL plz?
No dont answer that I sound like one of those teenage chat rooms
spurslady.......are you saying that the questioner might be me????
so do you have knowledge of teenage
No ummmm? No curly I was addicted to the free WAP that orange did a couple of years ago and went on a Australian site I cant remember the name, It was all ASL plz etc.
ok....sound as

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