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stupid s**g of a girlfriend

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Daave | 01:57 Fri 08th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
79 Answers
im gonna leave her on xmas day,
im gonna pretend that everyhting is ok, then leave her just after i cook xmas dinner for her and a few of her mates..

its gonna take a lot of planning but its gonna be worth it to hear the sniveling b***h crying down the phone and remembering the feeling of rejection for the rest of her life on what should be a happy day of the year

everyone in favor say aye!


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off to work now so i look forward to any replies waiting when i get home
Daave, I say go for it if she has definitely cheated! But if you really want revenge you should do it when she is alone, as soon as you are gone and she is surrounded by her friends, she will inevitably get sympathy from them even if they don't agree with her 100% it will be awkward for them to take your side, and you will be as popular as the left over brussle sprouts. Make sure you also have people to go to, as you will probabaly feel a little down once the dust has settled.

BUT, you yourself said you still love her? U sure you want to do this to someone you still love?
Thinking about it, if you want to REALLY hurt her, how about asking her parents round too, how humiliating would that be!

Ohh, you have awoken an evil side in me!
It's a lot more humiliating when theirs people around to see your shame. I'd invite a few more people to watch!!!

I am evil
You are evil also Miss Inquiry!!!!
Hey Daave , why bother treating her to a lovely dinner ? Invite her mates round , tell her you'll give them all a meal they won't forget and then walk out lol ! Then she'll have to cry to someone else for her crimbo dinner cos she won't be able to buy a turkey on Christmas day ! Or serve up pigs trotters for a starter. It suits her , she's a cheating pig. What about tripe for main course cos that's what she's been feeding you with all her pathetic excuses oh and some laxatives in a glass of cheap plonk ..... cheap to suit her .... should have her running to the loo so much sex with the lowlife she's been seeing will be the last thing on her mind. Cook it up boy , she deserves it.
Sabotage the dinner put something in it to make it taste like Sh8t?

Good luck it seems you are taking the right positive steps to ending your relationship because it sounds like if you stay together one or both is just going to end up hurting each other even more till it becomes out of hand.

Get out there and enjoy the single scene for a while and have some FUN!!
When I was a young squaddie I dumped a girlfriend halfway through a meal in a posh restaraunt, god did she cry.
I was a complete b@stard in those days
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You lot are all wrong lol I know why dont you just sneak a girl upstairs and when they come looking for you, you could be in bed with her.

Seriously, why do you all wanna be so mean? Its much better to just walk away. Daave I really hope you get over this soon mate, dont let the bitterness set in, it wont make you a better person.
johnlambert did it make you feel any better?
My first wife and I were dysfunctional like this and I used to really get off on hurting and humiliating her because I felt she had hurt and humilated me. Years later in retrospect, the things I used to do, just make me cringe. She WAS a bitch of the highest degree and I honestly can't stand her, but I should never have done the things I did to her because it made me as bad, so give it some careful thought, because very long I don't think this will make you feel better.
pa____ul, my real 1st name is Harry
4getmenot, she was a total pain in the backside, I couldn't get rid of her, she was like my shadow, if I went for a shave, her face would be looking out from my mirror. I took her to a friends house and she left a floater in the toilet FFS, she had to go, so, yes, I did feel good about it.
PS I paid for the meal before I legged it
Daave definatley think you should rise above this and dont stoop to her level break up with her now and tell her why, then let her see what she is missing, she could eventually regret what she has done and think why did I do that to him if you go ahead with this idea that will definatley not happen if anything she will probably try to justify cheating on you.,It doesnt sound like she is worth the effort of all this planning anyway.
Hmmm, personally daave i think your being a bit out of order. Why wait till xmas day? Why not still pretend to love her and give her a false sense of security. that way she will think that you have forgiven her and she will regret all the things she has done. She will get all different types of feelings for you and they will be stronger than ever. Just to cap it off, why not make a move on her mates? they will already know about whats going on and will gladly sleep with you. Then, just when she thinks things are fine, wait till she has been out with her friends and got really drunk, then tell her that your dumping her and make loads of stuff up about sleeping with prostitutes and that you have slept with her mates and sister(if she has one). that way her head will be so messed up and she will feel she has nobody to turn to. If she goes round to the guy she was sleeping with, for sympathy, then all he will do is bag her off, as he wont get any sex because she will be too busy crying and wanting him to understand her...
notice how all the women think you should let her off and just forgive her. Be a man of honour and get your revenge. Your fully entitle to it, unless you have cheated that is...
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Note to self...never date a man who uses this site!
I'm a man and I think he should just walk away because this sort of trivial, soap opera, control drama revenge **** just makes you look weak. If she's a slapper then get her gone, it's her loss. Devote your energy to making yourself, happy, sucessful and rich and that'll be punishment enough for her when she's waiting for her giro to arrive so she can waste it on fags and cans from the off licence. Why devote all this time and effort into doing something destructive which ultimately won't ever help you feel better in any contructive way? Have you no pride? This woman is of no importance to the rest of your life if you dislike her so much.
Go for it Daave - just make sure you don't have to go back to the house to pick any of your belongings up. Will be well planned if you can get your stuff out without her knowing!
I think you should take a dump in the turkey cavity before roasting it. Personalise your mobile answerphone message in the morning so when she rings after you've left, she'll get the message and realise how planned it was - that'll hurt!
Can't wait to check out AB on xmas day, hope you'll be able to let us know how it went!

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