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i'd love to be french

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curlyfilm | 01:03 Thu 07th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
what nationality would you like be, if your not british
i think i'd be french, that still have that lovely arrogance, great food and wine, and none of the stiff upper lip, i love the way they can show there emotions, and be open without the reserved-ness of the british


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do u mean nationality or ethnic origin? I'd lke to be any south american nationality so i can know Spanish inside out!
if i see you when im out lamping curlyfilm, you're getting one right between your surrender monkey eyes!!! lol
I love France. My dear Mother was french and my grandparents spoke only french when they were at home. My ancestor's fled France during the revolution,Im working on our family tree and it's fascinating so far. I also have a bond with Queenstown in Ireland as my Dad's parent's were born there and came to Wales because of the potato famine. Daisy.
Lol Stevie....Curly is making a point about his other 'proud to be british thread' got banned!!!!!

Will 'I'd love to be french' be banned?

Let's wait and see

Fair play curly xxx

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Lol stevie.....I know what you mean....i did notice you weren't around much
and when i am here here i just trawl around the news section.
busy catching up with nox's latest goings on at the mo. now there's a bloke i'd like to sit round a pub table with, the bloke is amazing.
......and dont be leaving your bike outside my house anymore curly!!!! lol icycleOnions175.jpg
Again....I know what you mean stevie....Noxy is a beautiful man........I would love to meet him!!!!
and boro!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ZebUK you are right, but why Germany?? Aren't they arrogant with no sense of humour? I think I would like to be Japanese, a sense of honour and respect and lots of lovely Sushi.
ZebUK will you then be known as ZebDE

I'm inclined to say Germany as well and have considered moving there with carakeel, as she was brought up in Germany (but not German) and is able to make an informed decision as to which country has the most to offer, and in my opinion at the moment, the UK hasn't got much to offer!! and I hate to be able to say that its going down the drain!!!
If we are talking countries I would be Scottish. Then I could slag the English off and it would be allowed...nay, mandatory ;o)

Seriously, Scottish people are proud of their heritage and not afraid to be proud either..although I am 'proud' to be English I am sure I am not alone being made to feel a bit arrogant if I say so...
eyeshade ... I have to tell you it is this kind of remark about the Germans that I find so annoying! Apart from the fact that generalising about people is always going to be unfair to some, I am hoping that you made this remark out of ignorance. I am Irish, but lived in Germany for 28 years and in France for about 4. The German people I came to know were extremely hospitable and friendly, worked hard, respected others and to be honest, they socialise far more than I have ever experienced here in the UK. And yes, they do have a sense of humour!!! Just because it is not the same as the British sense of humour, doesn't mean they don't have one! It is just a matter of understanding their ways. The Germans absolutely love British humour!! And as for arrogance ... the older Germans generally are a bit more reserved than Brits are, but it is a form of politeness built into the German language and upbringing, dictated by the fact that there you address a stranger verbally in a more formal way and a friend in a far more casual way. The younger Germans however often dispense with the formalities nowadays. But at the end of the day ... I think it is best to judge a person by their character, not their nationality.
Hear hear ..I read that remark with great interest ...I am half German and Mr S is German ...If he was arrogant and had no sense of humour I wouldn't have been married to him for the last thirty odd years .I have lived and worked in Germany and they are some of the nicest people you could wish to meet.I have friends and family there and one son lives there. We spend a lot of time there.They are not all sun bed pinchers you know ! I do love people who make sweeping statements and typcast others.....not !
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Are all Swedes stunners?

I have German relatives by marriage...Mr Ps uncle was in the army and married a German. She has a fantastic sense of humour, and admits that she learned her 'dryness' from her husband. She alo introduces herself to my children as 'The Sausage Muncher'.
Good Lord, slagging off the English isn't mandatory in Scotland. Another boring stereotype - yawn!!

I'd be Australian - then I could happily live there for the rest of my life and never have to see a rainy summer's day again. Hurrah!
Did you miss my wink at the end of that statement?

I followed it up, too.

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