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larkin | 20:05 Fri 22nd Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
Cooked the tea and another perfectly innocent thread disappeared. Did I miss something ?


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rofl, now we have a post about a missing post that was about a missing post..........

My head hurts now :-(
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sorry BOO - it was a perfectly innocent question. Thanks for your help .
what went now? This is getting sillier and sillier.
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crete had posted a question about a similar thing dot , then it disappeared but there was nothing offensive in it when I went off to cook tea. Just wondered what had happened.
maybe there is a pedant amonst us who is being err pedantic lol
It was ok from where I was standing (or sitting as the case may be)

I left it where zorro had mentioned V The TV series to me, well I think that's what he meant anyway, it was a bit vague to be honest, he just typed a "V" in my general direction ;-)
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Pendant ? Is that cryptic dot ?
im totally baffled questions have been disappearing all day, its like the twighlight zone who is able to do this ?
larkin i wrote pedant lol not pendant tut
DOT youve been around here for a while what is going on ?
well helllooooooo peeps, how are you all, thought i'd get this in before this thread disapears ♫♪♫♫♫♪♪♪
must we all sing mccfluff ?
please join in at your leisure
im going to practice ill be back soon but please carry on without me .
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mccfluffy. I have been singing all day - my voice is shot to bits ! Did I teach you how to do that ?
Dot - sorry , my mistake. You are, of course, correct !
So it is not cryptic then LOL !
larkin that was a homage to your teaching skills!
and i haven't been able to get sound of music out of head all day thanks to you :-)
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Dot --- Pedant and pedantic must have all merged into one. Think I test an eye need !!!!
larkin. put your glasses on .
Who led the pedants revolt?

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