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raysparx1 | 14:31 Sun 27th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
100 Answers
My head is spinning, A nephew of mine has started taking drugs,to hide from the fact he was abused by some piece of scum,he won't talk about it to anybody,my Dilema is this bloke is out of prison and walking free after about 1 year inside, my nephew is a prisoner, my Sister is really hurting, which hurts me, what do I do ? I feel very angry,I am on the verge of hurting this bloke really bad, do I do it, ? or hope something happens to him later ? or get someone else to do it ? ( that is not a problem) what would you do ? serious answers only please, I can't get it out of my head, thanks,


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thanks suffragette,

I will go on that link, Ray
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Cheers pickle,

your a good bloke, talk sense every time, just never felt like I didn't know what to do before, never felt unsure of next step,I have allways just gone with my first instinct, thats what used to get me in trouble,and when you think instead of acting I find it a bit scary, like I am going a bit weak, if that makes sense, I have never asked for advice before,not on a real serious thing, thanks again, you take care, your a goodun, Ray
If I was guaranteed to get away with it, I'd do him in. Saying that, if someone abused my niece, I'd do time for her. But if you're feeling that out of control, sleep on it mate.
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Hi country boy,

I feel really angry,but I stay calm,I don't get flustered, and I know if I do him,I will want him to know why and who, and that scares me, I could not just belt him one and walk away,I really think I would do him serious harm, Ray

I will have to sleep on it, but I know if I do go,i will plan what I intend to do quite calmly.
Chain him to a concrete block and throw him in the River Lea, if not,pay him a visit and give him what for

I doubt the police would be too bothered if this sh!tbag got what he deserved
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You must have been brought up in the same sort of area as me. Notting Hill & Bermondsey, if not we must be twins !!! cos we sure think alike,
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I`m from Enfield, but I moved to a village in Hertfordshire about 5 weeks ago to get away from all that sh!te.
It`s all out of hand now, drug dealers get caught and are out dealing again after a petty prison sentence.

The furthest I go into London now is Bethnal Green, aka Crack City, but thats only due to work. I work on the railways, and the stations are full of crackheads at night.
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That is what scares me, I am so angry inside,but I have allways remained very calm no matter what the situation,but this is the first time I haven't reacted quickly,
I am not scared to hurt this scum, what scares me is that I will actually enjoy doing it, but I must also think of my wife & boys, hence my head spinning round,if I am making any sense on here, olease tell me if i'm not, Ray
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ELVIS, you did the right thing, enjoy your peacefull life,good luck to you, I moved out of London 25 years ago, but still visit often, drug dealers and perverts are contaminating the world,
You should both read my quote.I chose it jusr for you two.
Ray, on a lighter could go and tattoo the words..

I`m the AB Russian on his forehead
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Thanks ELVIS, that made me smile, he would get a kick up the harris every day,

The Russian has been very nice on my question though, and I thank them for that .
He he.I think he would be kidnapped and left for dead!
There is just one of me.
Hi Ray
I know what you mean and about wanting him to know why, there's little satisfaction in him not knowing. You've got a lot to lose so you'll have to weigh that up yourself. Hope you work it out one way or the other! It could be possible for him to find out why and you to remain anonymous.
ray ... baseball bat + dark alley = peace of mind.

Just don't get caught mate.
I don't believe in all that softly, softly approach. I know if I were in your position I'd have probably been picked up by the police by now for some very serious damage I'd done to the scumbag. I can't even begin to imagine how much inner turmoil you must be facing, but the reality is you have your own family to consider and they (no matter what the circumstances) have to come first. Any action you take might draw them unwanted attention. I'd like to think I'd be a strong enough person to walk on the other side of the street if I saw this person, but in truth I'd probably make a bee line for him with a large blunt instrument. Keep your cool ray and let's hope that someone does him some permanent damage. Enough to make the rest of his life a misery, but not enough to gain him any sympathy. A shattered kneecap, or a missing big toe would be my favoured punishment for this piece of sh1t. Preferably sustained whilst in the middle of getting a good kicking.

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