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Root touch up hair dye

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Dollie | 23:30 Sun 07th May 2006 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
Has anyone used one of those new hairdyes that let you touch up your grey roots ? If so, does one pack last a while or is it just for one application ? Thanks


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Before that came out my mum used to use just for men, you can mix and use as much as you need and it only takes 5 minutes and it comes with a little brush!
Yes my mother touched up her brown roots to make it blend in with her blonde bits...and it worked really well because its only a small amount that you just brush in, and its a good quick fix until it really is time to go back to the hairdressers. Its more of a blending thing.

no, no, no

I used the nice and easy one, it cost more than the normal whole head stuff and there wasnt enough for my hair which is fine but i have a lot of it and its grey again already and i only did it 3 or so weeks ago

i'd much rather buy the whole head and chuck away what i didnt use!

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Root touch up hair dye

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