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Has Anyone Had Their Eyebrows Tattooed?

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Bobbisox1 | 12:05 Tue 13th Apr 2021 | Body & Soul
82 Answers
I’m considering having mine done , well I’m looking into it, cost etc


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Different shades available - going to choose a shade close to my own colour.
Definitely not. I only notice peoples eyebrows if they look Like Denis Healey or have slugs above there eyes. Or perhaps if they had no eyebrows. I have never plucked my eyebrows and they are now thinner but still ok because they match my hair colour.
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I’ve never plucked mine either Apc but I’d like them to be a bit darker like they used to be ,( not the slug effect )
i believe that you can get them done with Henna. Semi permanent and not so drastic. They must do different colours
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I might look into that gg, thanks
bobbi, can you not just get them dyed?
You're welcome. I have had to draw mine in as they are very sparse. I'm getting quite good at after 60 odd years
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They’re quite thin with age Woof and drawing them on might be worse , I think I’ll try henna first and see how that goes
bobbi, henna is dye
Just went and looked at my eyebrows and noticed I have grown lines down the middle of them. Might make tattooing a bit difficult. They still aren't thin but they don't extend as far as they did. But my lockdown hair falls over them anyway!
frown lines not grown lines!!
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I’m thinking of asking my hairdresser when I go tomorrow, they tint and shape , I don’t want to try any DIY jobs
I shape mine with a very small mascara wand and a Lancome Artliner. Bit of a faff but I'd never go and get my brows tattooed.
If it would make you happy get it done. Simple as.
Bobbs, try the other methods first. If you have them tattooed and you don't like them, there's not a lot you can do about it.
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Decided last night to take the soft option and have them tinted waxed and shaped at my hairdressers
Thanks all for your posts
Have you asked your daughters opinion?
In my experience, daughters won’t mince their words and will give a brutally honest opinion...either ‘oh my god mother, don’t even think about it’ or ‘yep, go for it, should look good with your colouring’.
I don’t know anyone who has, and it’s not something I’d ever consider, but why not if that’s what you want.
Sometimes I think I would like a daughter!

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