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I Need Help And Advice.

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Theland | 23:36 Thu 13th Aug 2020 | Body & Soul
40 Answers
One of my sons says I am racist and homophobic.

I am not.

Been drinking vodka as anaezshrhetkc.
Feel lost and stupid.


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"clever"jo: "I call my dad and my husband racist because they are of an era when it seemed to be ok to make jokes about black people. Maybe you are of that era too, Theland? " - wow!
Do the LibFacs even know what racism is? Just having an opinion of something that is not on the prescribed list is not an ism.
Theland, if you do come back to AB and this thread I urge you not to post the exchanges between you and your son as mentioned earlier.

Those are for you and he and possibly other family members to discuss and hopefully resolve.

Hope you are OK.
Theland - are you coming back to continue what you started - or have you thought better of it now?
Has goading become your new hobby Andy?
Mamya - // Has goading become your new hobby Andy? //

I am simply asking a question, that's not 'goading'.

Why - has trying to stop grown-ups with a mind of their own from partaking in a thread they started become your new hobby Mamya?
It’s all pretty pointless, Theland’s not been on here since last Thursday.
It's simply how it appears to me Andy.

An ABer distressed and under the influence of drink reached out late at night in Body & Soul and hasn't been on AB since.

I don't believe the OP has started anything that needs finishing to appease us.
It has nothing to do with 'appeasing' anyone, and don't imagine that Theland is some poor lamb who needs protection, he can be as hard, rude, and offensive as anyone on here.

I hardly think a simple invite to return to his - and it was his - request for 'help and advice' is going to give him an attack of the vapours - do you?
Having read much of what Theland writes on AB, I have formed my own conclusion about some of his beliefs.
He has also written that his health is very poor and that may be a factor in his absence.
It’s uncomfortable reading abers discuss someone who is absent..
There is only one thing worse than people talking about you
You never know who you're dealing with on the internet. Mentally ill, fragile and genuinely needing help, or attention seeking disckhead. Err on the side of caution would be my advice unless you're certain.
I fail to understand why Andy felt the need to restart the thread ?
Yes, Johnny. One of the late great Oscar's gems.
Anna I didn't 'need' to 're-start' anything, it was a simple straightforward question to the thread originator.

Let's not read into it things that are not there.
Here's one, if I said I didn't find black women sexually attractive and I prefer white women, am I racist or is it just personal preference like saying I prefer blondes to brunettes? For the record I do find them attractive, it was just a thought.
Either you, or someone else has asked exactly the same question, and the answer is the same now as it was then -

If you don't find black women attractive, you are not a racist.

If you don't find women attractive because they are black, then you are a racist.
What a load of cobblers, a-h. You have hit a new low.
Care to elaborate? I can see the distinction even if you can't, and I will be happy to explain it to you if you wish.

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