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How Would You Feel

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jennyjoan | 23:10 Tue 09th Jan 2018 | Body & Soul
109 Answers
A friend of mine died in America - they had 3 grownup children. Husband married again within one year of her death. A girl who had two children of her own.

Do you think it was too soon.


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I'd like to know if there's an age range in sqad's advert?
lol ladies i've saved you all
It's self selecting Alba. You need a standard vibrator.

And I'm not chucking out my fancy toys for anyone!!!!!
BARMAID!! you've made me blush lol
Well, thanks to Barmaid and Alba I now have some mopping up to do.
I've never had anything standard in my life and ain't going to start now.

And sorry JJ, no disrespect intended.
You are far too young and nimble for him Alba, you'd wear the old fellow out!
sorry about the mopping Eccles.

Does anyone think sqad goes to his club to recharge his batteries as Mrs Sqad wears him out?

(apologies JJ)
Murraymints “ woofy..of course mourn..but take advantage of help to get you through it... and realise that people around you have lives to live too...“

I didn’t want other people, still don’t, didn’t want or expect them to be around or help me “get through it” just wanted them to bog off and leave me alone and with very few exceptions thats what I want now. Those few exceptions knew/know me well and would never have dreamed if telling me how to mourn or indeed how to behave in any aspect of my life......horses for courses I guess......
Nobody has the right to tell other people how to mourn or live their life.
If living their life is to choose to be alone or choose a new partner that is their decision.
I wish this man all the best and hope that his family and friends do the same.
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Sorry All - and of course LOL - they are married about 12 years now. It was all the recent deaths that I have had - I thought about him in America.
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Eccles you have a lovely way with words.
Eccles, not nice not deserved..
Jesus 12 years ago and you question if he did it two soon?
The fact they have been together 12 years should give you the answer to that.
Dont worry JJ. We all often muse on such things.

Anyway @ Alba //Does anyone think sqad goes to his club to recharge his batteries as Mrs Sqad wears him out? //

No, more likely for his own safety! ;)
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You can't even have an opinion now no matter how old without some of these critters going down your throat.
lol, BM, there is that to consider too :-))

It's funny how things which happen turn ones thoughts to other things.
The mind is a wonderful thing.

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