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millerxxx | 17:37 Tue 05th Nov 2013 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
anyone got a samsung smart phone
would you reccomendit


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Which? recommend the Samsung Galaxy variants as Best Buys.
18:27 Tue 05th Nov 2013
I have the Samsung Galaxy S3 - I love it, it's amazing. Huge screen and more features than you could shake a stick at but it is my first smartphone so I've nothing to compare it with.
Yes I would, I have the galaxy S4 and prefer it to my sons iphone not cheap to repair the screen though if you drop it like I happened to do and cracked it
I've had a Samsung Galaxy S 3 for 5 days. Still getting use to it but think it's brill. Just like a small tablet.
Which? recommend the Samsung Galaxy variants as Best Buys.
I have a galaxy note, OK its a very large phone but takes great photos, I love it. I wouldnt touch an iPhone with a barge pole, it is just a fashion accessory for teenagers.
Yes defo, the best phones there are.

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