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What Does "bespoke" Mean.

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AniaBomb | 17:20 Sun 16th Jun 2013 | Body & Soul
48 Answers
I know that by this stage in my life I should already know but what does the term "Bespoke" mean.
I just cant get my little gray cells around the proper meaning...


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I do understand VHG's point on that. It's much quicker to type a word into google and you'll instantly have a definition. That's what 50% of my google use is. The other 50% is using it at a spell checker.
Have you a photo Ania, sounds very special.
Lawyers, in their bespoke suits, 'bespeak' a document, meaning that they ask, formally, that it be released to them.
Haven't you thought that this is a big windup . . . . ?
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why would it be a windup? Somebody doesn't know something so asks about it on a Q&A site.
That is how it appears jno . . . . but
I think sir.prize has his Sherlock Holmes hat on. Again.
Mojo-Jo-Jo . . all you need to do is look around. Even 'Dr Watson' would know that.
Is it bespoke or from 'Arrods or Daks?
It's very boring sir.prize and I personally wish it was against the rules.
What are you referring to Mojo?
Figure it out sir.prize ;)
I already have. You only need to visit the dark side to see the answer.
OK subtlety doesn't work, I see that.
I wish sleuthing other members because you "think" they might be other members, was against the rules.
You may now go ahead and protest that nowhere did you say that blah blah blah.
That practice probably IS against the rules. But there is nothing to say one cannot report a suspected troll.
asking the meaning of a word ain't trolling
what's trolling?
whyever does anyone think this is a windup? it's a straightforward definition request.
The Gussss on the fox thread was more likely to be someone from another side, someone sleeping with a dormant account for 5 years and then bounces in spraying pee from the rooftops.

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