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Blood Tests....

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MadMen | 12:01 Mon 22nd Apr 2013 | Body & Soul
65 Answers
I've got to have a blood test this week. I was supposed to have it this morning, but I phoned up and changed the appointment as I didn't have anyone to go with me.
I have a major (MAJOR!) fear of needles, and just wondered if they *have* to take it from my arm?

I know that sounds like a stupid question, but is it possible to have blood tests by taking blood from a finger prick?



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MadMen -yes you can go ahead with it. Tell the nurse your fears - turn away and take strong deep breaths visualising taking into your body white strong light letting the breath out very slowly while picturing the nerves flowing out down through your body and out through your feet .
12:10 Mon 22nd Apr 2013
When I first gave blood, everyone told me it wouldn't hurt. Barstewards! I was in pain, especially when they couldn't find a vein and jabbed away until they got one. Yes, it will hurt. I understand your fear, but you don't really have a choice. As I'd say to anyone I knew - Get over it! (gotta be cruel to be kind)
This will sound uncaring but you're making it worse for youself. Ask if you can have a bit of cotton so you can cover the wound straight away when the needle is removed.

Unless you're a haemophiliac then it will stop bleeding very quickly with pressure applied. It won't bleed through.
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Alwaysconfused, yeah, I suppose I do need to 'man up' a bit :)
After reading sparkles post, I feel a bit stupid now. I should just be lucky that it doesn't happen very often.

EB, when I saw your name as 'last post', I expected MUCH tougher love than that! ;)
You're right of course, I am making it worse for myself.
I'm not going to talk about it any more now, as I've calmed myself down :-)

Thanks again.
Tough love is my favourite kind of love but I did try to bear in mind that I have no phobias and should therefore go a little easy for lack of understanding. I can give you my unedited version if you like ;)
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Haha. It was very tame for you! ;)
No, no unedited version required thanks :-)
I can't help much with the taking itself (I'm like Erin haha, just as well as I have to give up so much of it!).

I hardly feel it when they take mine though and it never bleeds much, as someone else said, unless you have a blood issue then it'll be fine.

ESR is a general test for inflammation and used a lot. I have them all the time to monitor my arthritis. It won't diagnose anything on it's own (save that there has been inflammation somewhere) as it can be raised by all kinds of things, many of which aren't a great concern.

Mine come back very quickly, only a day or two usually though my GP (if they have taken them) has to see them first before I can get the results.

Unless it's sky high there is no great panic. Mine always comes back abnormal and I'm still here :)
Hiya, you will be fine. Just be honest with the Nurse, tell her that you are terrified and tell her not to mention anything that she's doing. Just talk about a load of rubbish, i.e the weather or tv or something and focus on what you'll be doing afterwards or what you need to get from the shops.

I remember having a blood test in the hospital when I was pregnant, the Nurse said something about my blood that made me feel weak. She said it outside the curtain the other nurse and I could hear it as clear as day!

Anyway, best of luck :)
They can take it from your hand I believe Madmen, this is usually where I get mine taken from. I'm going to have tests done tomorrow and it will be from the hand more than likey. I know how you feel I hate needles and I use them 4 times a day. I find though listening to something soothing on my Ipod often helps.

Good Luck and be brave YOU CAN DO THIS xxxx
it can be taken from the arm, hand or foot depends on different individuals. I use a butterfly when I know I have a patient who is phobias of needles and prone to faint. It just feels like a sharp poke, but once that's over, it doesn't hurt, although may a bit when removing the needle. I always ask the patient to take deep breaths, then it doesn't seem that bad. xx (I'm a Phlebotomist)
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Thanks very much to the further responses. I've calmed myself down since yesterday and, although I'm still dreading it, I've kind of put things in perspective a bit and realise I'm lucky that I don't have to have this done very often. This is by choice, something I asked to be looked into. I should just remember that really, and be thankful.

LOL, you know you can't wait, like me, doh.
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hehe ;) I'm relying on you to tell me it wasn't so bad!

I've had a couple before MM, they aren't to bad. I just look away while the nurse does her thing.
For MM and Tony, good luck with your tests tomorrow, I was a big brave girl and went for mine yesterday.
NURSE- Oh god, its you again, are you staying this time, or are you going to run off when I turn my back?
ME- staying
NURSE- (halfway through test) are you ok?
ME-yes,will you just do it so I can go home please.
NURSE- Will you just breathe and stop holding your breath and we might get through this without you fainting.
Lol. X
Had it done and Mr S took me to the flicks last night, so it wasn't bad day after all. X
Well done, Sparkles.
Right then MM, just got back from the doc's, all you will feel is a sharp prick lol and then it is over in seconds. Just look away while the nurse is doing her thing.
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Ah, Tony, I was just thinking of you and your sharp prick :P

Glad it went ok. Mine was fine too! The nurse was really gentle and chatted away to take my mind off it. Didn't see the needle, and didn't see no blood.

Sparkles, well done you too! :-))
well done. all you needle/blood phobics :)
Didn't see the needle, and didn't see no blood.

Neither did I MM.
Well done, no tears then lol.
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Haha. No, no tears from me.

How about you? ;)

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