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Broken Toe?

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gness | 20:00 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Body & Soul
67 Answers
I have fallen over a picture and the edge of the frame has sliced through the joint at the top of the middle toe. It will stop bleeding...I can bleed for Ireland so that is usual but...the top joint, where the nail is, is wobbling and pointing upwards. I believe hospitals don't bother with breaks like this so if, when it stops bleeding , I tape it straight and tightly will that do, do you think....anyone? :-(


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I work in A&E and there isn't a great lot that anyone would be able to do, probably just xray it and clean the wound but then it would just be strapped to the 2nd toe like you suggested. If it will go straight then it sounds like it isn't dislocated. If in doubt you could just go to an out of hour GP or GP tomorrow. From what you've said, strapping it next to the 2nd toe sounds the best option.
I hope that you are ok Gness. I'd go to A&E I was made to wait overnight and if I wasn't able to walk or wiggle my toes in the morning I had to go to A&E. But strap it up and rest if you can hugs Queenie xx
I think it's called neighbour strapping- strapping to the next toe, not what you might think.
Any pics?
There was a woman who had a severely broken foot - in the toes. A bone from a dog's foot was used to mend it.

One day the woman was out walking in a Kettering park and met her doctor along the way.

The doctor asked her, "How are you getting along with those toes of yours and the dog's foot bone used?"

The woman replied, "Just fine, though I have a hard time keeping it down when I pass a tree."
I kicked the living room door a few years ago and broke my right little toe. It was pointing off to the right so I wasn't going to mess with it. Went to A&E and had it xrayed. They straightened it and taped it to the next toe. Couldn't wear shoes as the break was right across the joint and any shoes I wore pressed on it, agony I can tell you.
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Thank you all and sorry pics I'm afraid. Neighbour strapping sounds interesting.

Peas defrosting on my foot.
Take care and let us know how it is tomorrow, please xx
Also, if you're alright with Ibuprofen and Paracetamol take some, it will help with the inflammation and pain
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Thanks Sib and Pringles....have taken some Ibuprofen....will monitor. ;-)
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DT and Marje..missed your posts. DT. Thanks....that's decided me to keep away from A&E.
Marje....I kicked a sideboard two years ago.....little toe sideways and other bones damaged. I wore a Tesco carrier bag for months.
Have you looked at the 'Related Posts' below, gness?
Is the frame alright?
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More broken toes than you can shake a stick at Sib. first thought was..oh dear I hope I haven't damaged the frame, the big, sharp, pointy wooden frame when I kicked it with my poor little toe.
Maybe he's worried abour your frame body
I used to be picture framer so I am merely responding instinctively Psybbs of course I'm concerned for G but there is only one frame and she has nine other toes.....
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I have more pictures than toes Shoota...........I will take care of the frames though. :-(
Its that purple polish.......looks like a bruise.
I could upload a picture of my last broken toe if that would help?

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