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B00 | 10:14 Wed 18th Jan 2012 | Body & Soul
49 Answers
Is that how you spell it?

Anyhoo, my eldest daughter (23) has got this. She's currently on Morphine, Tramadol (sp?), Diazapan (again sp?) and also gobbling Paracetamols and Ibuprophin (ditto sp!).

She literally can't move without help. It took me half an hour yesterday to heave her upstairs just for a shower. This has been going on for nearly 2 weeks now. When can we reasonably expect to see an improvement? Should she also be receiving further help from her GP other than them chucking pills at her? Which frankly seem to doing nowt other than turning her into a space cadet?


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Dare I suggest you phone the NHS helpline and see what they have to say?
If they comment on the bodily functions yell at your GP and ask for a second opinion.
The poor soul.
alba: was about to suggest that. I'd be wanting a second opinion. This situation can lead to permanent damage to the nerves in that area if not dealt with promptly.
Are there any other doctors at the practice if so get one of them to make a home visit? after the weekend is too long to wait
After the weekend? it's only wednesday now. I'd be taking this on at least a day by day basis, if not hour by hour
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I'll ring her in a bit and see how she is. Like I said she was a bit more mobile when I left her about an hour ago.
is she incontinent during the day too?
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No, she's not :-)
Like the others, BOO. I would not be leaving this until after the weekend. I would be phoning the surgery for a home visit and insisting on it.
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Can't do anything now Lottie, im at home with Mini Boo, will ring her in the morning and see how she's got on, then take it from there.
Poor lass, BOO. Hope she is better soon! It's so miserable being in pain like this all the time.
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It is. Frustrating for me too Lottie, as I can't be with her as much as what I'd like. What with work and Mini Boo etc.

Telling you, cleaning 2 houses (hers and mine) and nurse maiding aint fun, I couldn't do it professionally!
I had sciatica and I went for physiotherapy and acupuncture. I went for 8 weeks. It has never returned. I hope she gets better soon, it's so painful :(
Could she and little one come and stay with you for a while. Might make it easier for you - if you have the room that is.

I hate cleaning one house, let alone two!!!
B00 is this the mother of your grand-daughter.?? The poor love must be feeling so down to be in such pain. Pleae give her a cyber hug from all of us xxxx
Physio helped me a lot. I was given very simple exercises which didn't involve much movement and the physio sort of stretched me out. I was told to be as active as possible - not very easy when you can't walk!!Ultrasound treatment worked very well.
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My grandson is at his dads and his mum and dads when daddy's at work, as she's simply incapable of doing anything for him at the moment. I have him for the odd afternoon/morning/day when I can to help them out.

I'd have her here, but i've only got a 2 bedroomed house- don't think she'd manage the sofa as she is! The other problem if she came here is that she's also got a housecat, so i'd have to go on there everyday anyway to feed it.
Yes, I understand it would be very difficult. Poor girl and poor you too - you must be worried - she's your baby!
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She was a bit perkier today alba, and even managed to eat all her dinner, which uptil now she hadn't been doing- so hopefully we're on the crest of the hill? Possibly?

She felt better "within herself" once she'd showered, did her hair etc.

She told me to leave the dishes in the sink, as she was "determined" to do it herself later- so I did, lol.

Lucas's daddy is taking him to visit her about teatime, so i'll leave it till after to see how she is.
Definitely get a 2nd opinion Boo. I had sciatica about 4 years ago and was sent for physio.

It was discovered I had damaged nerves which 'gingejbee' mentions which is a lot worse as, I now have only half movement in my right foot and continuous aches in my leg.

That is also to much drugs to be taken at once!
Your daughter has my sympathy - sciatica ruined a holiday for me as I was in so much pain. Doctor said he could give me an anti inflammatory (which can cause upset stomach) or arrange an appointment for physiotherapy. He did assure me that it would eventually go of its own accord which it did. Took about 3/4 weeks.

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