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Biomechanical assessments

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sherrardk | 20:33 Tue 10th Jan 2012 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
Anyone know anything about biomechanical assessments, thanks.


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sounds like something robocop would need!
is it one of the bairns having it?
Question Author
Boy #2 and girl are both hyper mobile. I have been waiting for their appointments to get those things made to go inside their shoes but have only just found out that they have both been referred for these assessments but they can't have them till they are eight years old and their is an eight month waiting list.
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Thanks for the link FW, wondered if anyone had any personal experience of it - wondered how I should prepare them for it as the boy is eight on Friday and has been on the list since August.
bloody hell! by that age there feet wont be so easily sorted. have you not looked online for somewhere that sells the splints?
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It affects them both differently and apparently you can't be tested till your eight due to something to do with the ligaments. Thankfully boy#2 has worse feet than my daughter and he should be seen soonish.
in a way thats good i hope he gets seen soonx
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I feel bad about the boy as we didn't notice the problem till last summer when we were on holiday. My daughter was referred to a physiotherapist first as she kept falling over her own feet. Think thing 1 is heading the same way too (maybe I should get her on the waiting list now?).

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