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prolapsed cervix

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kevlewi | 14:01 Thu 04th Nov 2010 | Health & Fitness
8 Answers
my wife has something wrong with her vagina, there is something which looks like a growth near the neck of it. when she urinates it smells very strong and not nice. she has looked on the internet and the common thing that comes back is a prolapsed cervix or bladder. she is at hte docs next week but is very frightened and expecting the worst.


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Could be a cyst.
Not a very accurate description of where it is.............but it doesn´t sound the sort of thing that one would wish to have.
I have given further thought to your question and it COULD be a prolapsed uterus with the cervix protruding through the vagina.
IF that is the case, then the cervix could well be eroded due to trauma (rubbing) causing a cervical erosion which is "no big deal"

My comments must be taken in the context of your description.
She needs to see her GP before it gets any worse! Does she go for her 3-yearly cervical screening check so would get a check-over down there as well? Please tell her that the doc will have seen it all before. My friend has a prolapse and they were able to fix it with a ring thingy put inside to hold it in (sqad can describe it better than I can in medical terms!)

<<<there is something which looks like a growth near the neck of it. when she urinates it smells very strong and not nice. <<<<

That´s the key here.
Question Author
when you say "that is the key" what do you mean
I mean....where exactly are we talking about?

If it is from the may be a "big deal"
If it is from the cervix of a prolapsed uterus........then it may be "no big deal"

That is the critical question.
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it only smells when she urinates although there is something around the neck of the vagina

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prolapsed cervix

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