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I don't know if I swim right

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karma22 | 14:56 Tue 21st Jul 2009 | Health & Fitness
35 Answers
I was doing the breast sroke last night and the part of my body I feel gets the most work out is my shoulders and back.


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where do you get the energy for it?

Karma ... keep working on your best asset, then.

For my tum, I mostly do crunches. If you try them sitting on a Swiss Ball, it keeps the tension on your stomach, and doesn't stress your back.

Then I do leg raises, lying on my back.

And a core stability move that looks easy, but is a killer, called The Plank. Lie on your front, and prop yourself up on your elbows, as if you were watching telly. Then tighten your tummy, and pull your tummy up off the ground until your body is straight, and resting on your elbows.

It's a killer !! ... but it works.
LOL ... Karma ... it's just what I do.

I'm 43 in September, so I have to keep myself in shape.

And I love the buzz you get after a serious workout.

Arnie (Schwarzenegger) said that a good workout is better than an orgasm. I'm not sure, I go that far ... but it does make you feel good.

But you sound like you're doing quite a lot of exercise already ... and swimming is really good for you.
Oh the dreaded plank! 1 minute was enough to finish me off the first time I did that!

I'll stick with my stomping, body combat and a bit of tennis this week!
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Well fits and starts Jayne. Not good at sticking to it though!

Like you say though, I do always feel good after a workout. When I have been spinning (not for a while) I hated the thought of it but liked the feeling afterwards and sometimes exercise makes you feel more awake and energetic doesn't it
Wow, Melons ... 1 minute is really good going !!!

Especially with your ... erm ... "additional weight" up front !!
Karma ... you're right.

You should feel tired after a workout, but you come out buzzing.
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yeah thats the word jayne ....buzzing!

yeah rinkins that is good going. I hate the plank!
They help me balance JJ LOL
... and float !!??
I'm working on my triceps at the moment so I reach into the fridge for my chocolate eclair whilst facing away from the appliance.......hence no bingo wings if done regularly.
LOL craft ... keep it up !!

Just getting my swimsuit on in those tiny cubicles is all the workout I need !!!
[:oD ~~~~~~~~~
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haha :-D
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haha at craft that was

DEN53 - worst bit is after swimming trying to get your clothes back on in those small cubicles

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I don't know if I swim right

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