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H1N1 Tamiflu or Antibiotics or Both

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sqad617 | 10:28 Tue 21st Jul 2009 | Health & Fitness
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ive just heard someone say that they are considering checking out the symptoms on NHS direct, calling their GP to get tamiflu for the family and then keeping it, just in case stocks run out.
Yup, I am living on a planet where there are only antibiotic resistant bacteria because of the indiscriminate widespread use use of antibiotics for everything.
Answer to what Sqad? I wasn't aware you had asked me a question.
I have already answered the initial question.
i've ordered a bio hazard suit and i'm going to live in that, sod the rest of you
I would say both - or test for the virus properly if possible.

I was ill for about two weeks, I had all the symptoms but felt well enough to work so I did (apart from one day). I have also been using my inhaler almost everyday, which is very unusual for me. However I had read you say on here though 'no fever no flu' so coupled with the fact I felt OK to work I gathered it was not that.

I bet if I had called my GP I would have been diagnosed with Swine flu though.
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daffy...sorry I overlooked that.

So you would wait for the complications of meningococcal meningitis or middle ear infection to set in first.....and then you would call the Dr..........that's if he believed you and came.

Very brave woman.

rollo....antibiotic resistance e.g MRSA and Cl Difficile is due to poor hygiene, not to the overuse of antibiotics.
could we end up with tamiflu resistant flu if the handouts of tamiflu without proper tests continue?

Sqad,i'm sure I have told you before that I have emphysema (alpha 1 antitrypsin Deficiency) and asthma,I have had 2 spontaneous pneumothorax that required chest drains and long stays in hospital,I have also had a Bullectomy and Pleurectomy on my right lung.A dose of flu does not scare me!
I am concerned in a normal way but I refuse to panic and lock myself away over this.
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redcrx....very interesting comment......particularly if H1N1 mutates changing it'e antigenic structure which respiratory viruses are prone to do.
Whooping cough is routinely vaccinated against there were less than 150 cases in 2007.

Bacterial infection of the middle ear also gives pain in the ear and a loss of hearing - yes?

Not really the same symptoms.

Meningitis is normally difficult to seperate from flu anyway - the septacemia rash is well known but often late in developing isn't it?

In a flu epidemic it's likely that a lot of doctors might well miss these themselves.

Putting people on help lines does slightly increase the risk of missing the meningitis but you have to balance that against

a) The possibly unsustainable increase in workload if you want qualified doctors to make each diagnosis

b) The public health issues of putting lots of people with suspected flu together in doctors waiting rooms.

Unless you have a better idea?

Remember also that Tamiflu cannot be prescribed for children under

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Your comments on whooping cough....TRUE.

Your comments on middle ear disease...NOT TRUE...children rarely complain of deafness and the commonest presenting feature of this is PUO (Pyrexia of Unknown Origin) or fever which is diagnosed by the Dr. looking into the ears.

Meningitis.......a doctor missing this in a flu epidemic after examination of the patient is quite a different thing from missing the diagnosis without examination.

Agreed the NHS doctors cannot cope with the work load.

My answer is in my question.........BOTH

Tamiflu can and should be given to children.
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daffy...well done my love.
if swine flu is going around why is there such a panic about it?we will all get it yes ?or no?I have been ill since thursday night with a very sore throat and high fever couldnt get out of bed let alone to the doctors,i got up sat am and fainted as my blood pressure was low my hubby called paramedics who said stay in bed rest and drink pleanty go to docs monday.I felt alittle better monday still weak and my throat was sore so i took the baby to nursery and kids to school ,went to doctors handed them the paramedics letter and receptionist said you cant come in this way thers a special way in and masked me up.i had just come out of a NURSERY this is crazy.i was diagnosed with tosilitus doc said they had swollen up to prevent an infection, he prescribed strong for what i had had the weekend the doc said it was a viral infection that is going im none the wiser day 5 now and my appetite is back .i expect the kids to get it next and the school and the nursery ect ect
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hannah....what is the panic?

It is almost certain that deaths will come in the children to young adult group. I agree, don't panic, but do take SENSIBLE precautions and take the threat of H1N1 infection seriously.......not like many ABers.
Sqad, should I have called the doc and not gone to work?

I am worried that I have had it and could have passed it on, I feel irresponsible now.
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Hazel....come on......don't worry.....hundreds.thousands of people would have done the same as you.
Thank you Sqad :-)
I still don't get your point

What are you suggesting? mass prescription of Amoxycillin?

That's not exactly without risk is it?
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jake.....exactly....antibiotics+ tamiflu.
hiya not really an answer here but ive been prescribed tamiflu for swine flu and co-amoxiclav for bronchitis (i am a carrier of alpha 1 anti tripsim) is there any chance that they could be reacting against each other although feeling better from swine flu i havent been able to eat properly for about 4 days now and whenever i do feel sick and feel like their is somethin constantly stuck in my throat also my sinus's are blocked aswell and havent been able to taste or smell anything even they i can breathe thru my nose once again sorry for posting a guestion on ur thread its just u guys seem to know your stuff thanks

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