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BlueToffee | 14:03 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Health & Fitness
7 Answers
Just been diagnosed with the onset of glaucoma, and have had to advise the DVLA, hope they don't stop me driving!


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I notified DVLA of glaucoma in both eyes.They did not stop me driving.
I should add that they had me take an eyesight test which was OK
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Thank you for your answers. The consultant advised me to tell the DVLA although the glaucoma is currently only affecting my left eye.

I have notified DVLA and await their result.
The dvla will get you attend for regular eye exams and to have a visual field test (estermann) to ensure your peripheral vision meets the required standards for driving. This is usually only an issue if you have advanced glaucoma. I read somewhere recently that Specsavers have got a the contract to perform these tests for the DVLA.
Good luck
Specsavers have an excellent machine for testing Field only complaint is, it ain't designed for ladies with short legs and big

I had it done yesterday and have to go back next week for another go at it. I missed too many clicks to get a true reading.

Think I'll take a cushion next week!!!

I feel your pain cupotee - I have mine done every few months at the hospital, the resiting of the chair and chin piece takes longer than the test.

Blue Toffee, I am glad they have caught you early, mine was late diagnosed therefore is now advanced and the damage done.

If they have started you on drops, please use them religiously.

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